Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Belboh Hybrid Ale

The labels I ordered for my bottle caps will not easily take the name 0.5Wit Newfangled Bohemian.  When I explained this to Kathy, she gave me that look that (since we can read each other's minds) says "The name is too long, honey."  I told her that I conceived the name because it has the wheat content of a BELgian Witbier, and the Saaz hops of a BOHemian (what is now known as  Czech Republic) lager.  She quickly quipped "What about Belboh..."

So, the ale I bottled yesterday shall from this point further be known as BelBoh Hybrid Ale....  It's not ready to drink, but I am in the process of labeling the bottle caps so I can easily tell it from the other beers in my collection.    The original gravity just before pitching the yeast was 1.066.  The final last night before adding bottling sugar was 1.006.  I added some water when I boiled the bottling sugar.  I estimate the final alcohol content between 5.0 and 6.0 percent by volume.  Here's the specs:

BelBoh Ale
Brewed on: 11/5/11 with OG of 1.066
Bottled on 11/28/11 with FG of 1.006
Volume: ~6.5 Gallons

  • 3.0 lbs. light DME
  • 3.0 lbs. extra light DME
  • 2.0 lbs. 55% wheat / 45% barley DME
  • 0.5 lbs. crystal malt (80L)
  • 0.5 lbs. toasted malt
  • 1.0 lbs. flaked wheat
  • 1.0 oz. Centennial leaf hops boiled 60 mins
  • 1.0 oz. Saaz pellet hops boiled 10 mins.
  • 1.0 oz. Saaz pellet hops boiled 3 mins.
  • White Labs German Kolsch liquid yeast (WPL029)

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