Saturday, August 29, 2009

Louisville Zombie Attack

We are about ready to head down to the Highlands here in town for the Louisville Zombie Attack! Can't wait! It should be really fun. My friend Kathy is going with the kids and I.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Closeup of shirt graphic

What???  It's hilarious!!!!

My new woot shirt!

My woot shirt finally came in yesterday!  Guys understand this shirt, but woman always say "I don't get it..."

Weight Loss...won this battle

ell, I'm down this week, but I'm not sure how.  I was not particularly great about sticking to it.  I think a lot of my frustration lies in the fact that I can do poorly, but lose weight, or work hard and stick to it pretty good, and gain.  If I could just put my damn finger on what it is that makes me lose a few pounds, then I could DO that...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mean Little Brother

I just heard Lexie ask Logan how to spell a word. After he got done he said "...and that's the last word I'm spelling for you! Ever!!"

Shirts & Shoes from Grandma Bobbie, Clothes in General...

Grandma Bobbie was a big help with school uniforms this year.  The kids both switched to different schools...Lexie because she's now in Middle School, and Logan so he could be closer to sister's school and their mom would have a lot easier time picking them up together to spend time with them on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.  I saw that both new schools were "uniform" schools, and I thought everything would be ok, but didn't pay close enough attention to the colors.  Logan could not wear burgandy/maroon anymore and that is what he wore mostly last year at J-town.  Lexie wore almost all navy blue shirts, and had only one white one she could wear to school!  So I was doing laundry twice or more times a week.  Logan was in better shape because he could wear some of Lexie's navy polos from the year before, but some were big on HER, so HUGE on him.  I bought Lexie two Moore Traditional School shirts in royal blue at $12 a peice.  Needless to say it was not really in the budget, but she had to have them.  This past week, grandma got them each several polos in right color and the right size (something I have a hard time doing).  Plus she got them some good sneakers before school started!! 
There is always SOMETHING going on with these two kids and clothes.  Last weekend we cleaned Logan's room and in the process lost his one and only belt.  I ran out to Walmart Tuesday night and got Lexie a new pretty white belt...Logan is using her old one which fits was a brown leather unisex web-type belt.  Last night Logan tells me "I need my jeans washed because today is picture day."  I use a small apartment washer that hooks up to the sink.  It works well, but I don't have a dryer and just hang-dry my clothes on either hangers or a rack.  Jeans, in most cases, do NOT get completely dry overnight...  Fabreeze it was then this morning...  Last year, Logan came home with a rip almost all the way across the knee of his khaki pants.  I asked him what happened and of course got "I don't remember..."  The next day I get home and here he is with the knee of his pants ripped.  I told him that he should not wear the same pants to school all week long, and he said "I didn't!  This is a different pair from yesterday!"  I just wondered what was ripping the knee of his pants, scratching my head and went on....I patched them on the inside with an iron-on patch!  Lexie will wear the same two favorite t-shirts over and over again until I wrestle her to the ground and get them so I can wash them...  Plus Grandpa Joe and Dana got her this black and white shirt which she would wear every day no matter what the temperature, weather, or occasion if I would let her...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Flanagan's tonight at 6ish!

If you're on 2 wheels, possibly three, you should come to Flanagan's Ale House tonight between 530 and 6pm! The Louisville Scooter Group meets to chat & eat, then we have a short ride. Come join us! All scooters/motorcycles are welcome!

More evil food today!

Ok, now th much! Its getting to be like deliberate sabotage!!! Today, somebody else brought in CAKE!!! What are these women thinking? I might see about moving downstairs, but they have goodies down there too! Should a person get their resume together and start looking for a new job just because their co-workers keep bringing in food that is bad for them?? Ok, really this is mostly tongue-in-cheek, but come on people!

These co-workers suck sometimes!

My buddy Doris, or should I say the gal who I THOUGHT was my buddy, knowing there are dieters upstairs here (especially ME) brought in BROWNIES yesterday!!! Traitor! Betrayer!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Eggplant Lasagna

Tonight I made eggplant lasagna. It turned out passable well, Logan loved it, I liked it (which is fortunate because I will be eating it for lunch all week), but it was "meh." for Lexie. She DID eat the serving I gave her, but said she would not want it again. I can unanimously respect that. She said next time she could have a frozen dinner or sandwich so that Logan and I could have it again. Such a good little trooper. I also managed to get two loads of laundry done, and coerced Lex into doing a load of dishes! I'm pretty happy about all that.

Late to school

Lexie was late to school this morning. She fixed waffles with peanut butter and syrup while I was getting my shower. I heard her come in the bathroom crying but couldn't make out what she was saying. Well, come to find out, she had dropped the whole thing on her shirt and pants then into the floor. Between changing and getting something else to eat, she was late. I told her all morning to do things and she was doing a lot of ignoring me. She almost left without her belt (which she hates) and would have been sent home for breaking the uniform code! Its almost like it is killing her to follow instructions. It took her 1/2 hour to just get out of bed. Can you say "wit's end"????

Sunday, August 23, 2009


This is Logan practicing how to look crosseyed... They are both total knotheads!

Brain hurts?

This is Lexie trying to figure out how to take a picture with the camera phone.


Lexie found this old chorus bow tie of mine and was playing "waitress". Silly kids... They really crack me up sometimes.

Weekend 2

Today (Sunday) was a lot of the same. I used the vacuum cleaner my sister gave me to vacuum the dust off the ceiling fans and the ceiling and walls. Also did a lot of our laundry for the week, and I got Logan's room up to about 80% done. He was not happy about all the stuff that went to the dumpster or Goodwill bag, but it had to be done. I told him if these were things he had cared about, he would have kept them picked up. Some of the things he had not seen or played with in months. I still need to get under his bed and finish up with his closet...


This weekend was ok. On Friday night we went to see Ms. Ana whose husband just passed away. The kids and I love Ms. Ana and we will be thinking about her and the kids a lot in the upcoming months. Saturday the kids played outside a lot while I did some housework. At supper time, we watched Independence Day and they liked it a lot. It had been a long time since I had seen it too.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Weight - Don't wanna talk about it.

Materials Manager

Lexie just told me she had her first lab yesterday in science class and did her first experiment...something with testing reactions of copper I think! She said it was "so cool"! She also told me she got to be the Materials Manager...then quickly admitted that everybody got to be a manager of some sort. Hahaha! I"m just thrilled she's taking such an interest!

Monday, August 17, 2009

I want to see this movie

This actually looks pretty cool to me, and I generally don't like too much violence in a movie.


I didn't have the kids this weekend and my friend Kathy was in town so we hung out together. Friday she got in late, so we just watched Harry Potter Order of the Phoenix. I felt really dumb because I thought I had not seen it, then about 2 minutes into the actual movie I realized I had. Neither one of us remembered the whole thing, so we watched it anyway.

Saturday morning we met up with some scooter folks for a ride. I have a seperate blog that details all my scooter stuff at so I won't bore non-riders. *grin* After we got back in town we got some supper at the Chinese place and made our way over to The Golden Nugget to see what I will refer to as The Big Rock Show version 2.0. They have the original drummer, but Jaymz St. Jaymz is no longer on bass, and Ronnie Watchmaker has taken the place of legendary one-legged local rock guitar legend Dave Ernspiker. i was a little disappointed for several reasons. They don't know my favorite Buckcherry song anymore. Also they aparantly only play Zepplin one-offs and not the big smash hits because, according to Watchmaker, "you can hear any band cover those songs." Similarly they don't like to do some of the other mega hits (noteably Stairway to Heaven but this extends to other band's songs also) because "you have heard these songs a thousand times and there's no way we can make them sound the same." They did do some songs I remembered from BRS years past. I was pleasantly surprised by The Cult's "Fire Woman" and they even slapped together a great AC/DC "Hell's Bells" that they say they'd never done together before.

Since we had been up late for old folks, Kathy and I just piddled around Sunday and ended up watching another Netflix called "Outlander" which had all the signs of being an overblown B movie, but turned out to be really good. Kathy and I agree on two thumbs up. I also managed to get the weeks laundry done, as well as doing the kids chores of dishes and taking out the trash.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Weight loss - Ground Zero

It is true.  I had a bad weekend, followed by a bad week.  But I really didn't think this much was possible.  Can you say back to the drawing board?

Black Mold

Anybody know how bad black mold is for you to ingest?  I had an open 2-liter of diet soda and I wanted to take it to work but didn't want to cart the whole 2-liter bottle.  I 'found' a dasani bottle in my car and poured the soda into it.  Did not notice until I was done drinking that it had some mold in the bottom.  I thought it was a dasani bottle from just the other day, but aparantly I need to clean out my car because this one was older.

Not happy...

Lexie had to get three shots: the immunizations for teatnus, spinal meningitus, and cervical cancer. Plus a general physical for 6th grade. Besides being in 95% for height and weight, she is doing great. Doctor suggests more exercise...that is the general plan anyway.

Dr. Appointment today

Lexie is at her appt for 6th grade physical and booster shots

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Logan's first day at Smyrna

Logan was happy and fairly uncomplicated as usual. Boys are so much easier. We did sweat the uniform issue with him too because he wore mainly maroon this past year, and Smyrna is white, navy, and red. He has a couple of his sister's navy shirts that will work.

Lexie's first day of middle school

Turns out this the only outfit Lex has for school. She can't wear pants because she can't find her belt and these shorts had one built in. This white shirt is the only one she has because navy blue from last year is not in the uniform code for this year! I used spot washing and Fabreeze on this shirt...even though I stayed up until 1am washing uniforms. I took her today and bought two Moore shirts for $25 that I really didn't have in the budget... *sigh*

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Not funny

AARP wants me to join and take advantage of their $50,000 life policy. What idiots! I'm only 41!

Crappy salad...

My salad would have been good if Subway girl had not given me Kraft Free salad dressing. For those of yoi who don't know, Fat Free = tons 'o sugar. 12g of carbohydrates in this case. This is the suck. Also she nuked the chicken too long and made it chewy. *sigh*


Subway is busy for lunch. not forget lunch!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

Logan's Orientation

The orientation for Smyrna was the suck. First we had to wait while the man at the door helped four or five other people who came in after us. Then they sent us to the classroom of Ms. Griffin, Logan's teacher. The lights were off and the door was locked! We checked with the office thinking they had the wrong room marked on the, the office worker just said "Some of the teachers are not in today." I was thinking they could have told us that... The whole day was about the same.


We have high winds, tons of rain at a 30 degree angle, and lightning! Awesome!!

Uncle Red

My sister Patti got an email last night about our Uncle Red.  He had a major tractor accident while grading a neighbor's drive.  He is currently at the Uof L Trauma Center.
I'm worried, but won't take the kids with me to go see him.  My thought and prayers are with him, and Aunt Earlene.  Last time I saw Uncle Red, I was riding around on my scooter and realized I was out by him.  I stopped in and we chatted for a while.  He is the most mechanically enclined person I have ever known.  If it has moving parts (and sometimes not moving!) he can figure out how to fix it.
I will get out to see him this weekend if I can.  School starts this week and it will be a little crazy around our house.  If any reader can spare a thought, wish, or prayer for Uncle Red, I would really appreciate it.


Kathy had to leave around 10am to get back. The kids hung out with Rachael and Theresia until almost 6pm while I did some housework and ran some errands. This little guy had been to the door like 5 times checking to see if they were home! When they did get home I let them play video games for a while.

Classic & Vintage all weekend!

All weekend we were seeing these classic autos all over the place! This one was on the way home from the Highlands.

Saturday afternoon: Bardstown Road

After the pool, we went to look around at the shops on Bardstown Road in the Highlands. When the girls went in to look at clothes Logan and I loitered outside. Logan asked me to take this picture...he's making a silly face, but you can see the sun he got at the pool!

Saturday afternoon: pool time!

After the apartments and some lunch we changed and headed to the pool for some play time. Kathy is drying off in the sun. The water was ice cold!

Saturday morning: apartments

On Saturday morning, Kathy had another apartment to check out. The office was nice and had this pretty mosaic on thr floor. Sadly the apartments were not as nice.

Park: climbing wall

Here's the kids on the climbing rock,


Waterfront has this really cool teeter-totter! Here's Kathy and the kids playing. Once I got on one end and both Kathy and Logan were on the other.

Kathy at Waterfront Park

Here's a picture of Kathy at the park. behind her is part of Louisville's skyline.

Playing at Waterfront Park

After supper, we went to Waterfront Park. Lex has a good time on the "stand-n-spin".

Friday night - Denny's

My friend Kathy was in town this weekend looking at apartments, so she stayed with us and we hung out together when she wasn't busy. I had stuff thawed out to fix, but I didn't feel like cooking se we went to Denny's.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Seperateness vs. Unity

This conversation came up in a group I follow online.  I thought it was brilliant enough to share:
"Odd isn't it, that the human race seems hard-wired with a pre-dispositon towards separateness and division rather than unity.  When in truth, unity is all that counts." - Bruno V.
"It's not odd at all.  You can't feed the world on one deer.  You feed your tribe/cave/family and keep the 'others' the hell back.  We are a race of survivors.  When the situation gets down to that level, your unity drops by the way side very quickly.   Sadly, many still fear 'others' in irrational ways when society is not in survival mode." - Eric V.

Weight- Stalled?

I had a really bad weekend diet-wise last weekend. All I'm saying is:
Bobbi Jo's Lasagna. Well, that's not the ONLY bad thing I ate, but it
was the BEST bad thing. So I guess we'll see how things go next week.
342...not good. I will do better soon. It's gonna get cooler
outside and I'm gonna start walking.

At least that's the plan...

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Handmade card from Dana

We sent birthday cards to Dana a short while back. Monday the kids got a return card from her which was really nice. The kids liked it.

Beautiful Stray

I went home to have lunch and check on the kids, and this beautiful stray husky comes bounding up to me! I was a little freaked because she was so big, but she was jumping around and playing and you could tell she was just a pup. Still she looked skinny to me. I called for her and patted my leg but she wouldn't get close enough for me to check for tags. Lexie comes out and the dog goes right up to her and starts letting her pet and play with her! That's the way it always is with Lexie and animals!!!

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Stupid dog...

I have to get a garbage can with a lid. My dog has been getting into the trash at night and eating trash. I do feed him...he's just finding new ways to irritate me.

Salad 4 supper

I'm having a salad for supper. Basic green leafy & iglou with tomato, radish, cheese, carrot and diced salmon.


Something is going on in Louisville this weekend. Classic autos all over town!

Questionable Politics

These people are ill equipped to discuss politics. They have ragged every president since Eisenhower. And slurring with every quip! Its almost comical! They were complimenting Clinton at one point. I'm not gonna say the point. I found out that the memorial is for the guy who used to dj karaoke here. Apparently he had an anurism.

The Local Pub

The pub near my apartment is having some sort of memorial. Dunno exactly what is going on, but they have Sam Adams Summer Ale. One brew and I'm outta here. I just heard the bartender chick say m*th*rf*ck*r like seven times in a row.

Orientation Reschedule

Loogan's orientation has been rescheduled for next Monday. I'm really looking forward to seeing the school.