Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I got my certification pack for the 1000mile ride

I am happy as a puppy with two peters!!
From Iron Butt Saddlesore 1K
My certification packet for the Saddle Sore 1000 came in the mail today. I think I just grew an inch!
From Iron Butt Saddlesore 1K

I think they did a good job with the wording.
From Iron Butt Saddlesore 1K

Full details of my riding and exploring are at

What's been happening...

There have been some things going on, but I have been negligent about
blogging. I know that is the suck, but I have been forced to live
life more that write about it.

The kids are out of school. I feel like Lex just barely scraped by.
I told her that she was not allowed to have another year like this
one. The poor kid--she's always done so well and gotten so much out
of school, but until now it was with very little effort. This is what
I call her 'brick wall' year. She actually had to study, work, and
put forth effort to get a decent grade. Since she wasn't used to
that, she didn't really get good grades. Of course, this one time, I
let her move ahead to the next grade. If I see anything like this
again, she will either be held back, or put back into 5th. Logan on
the other hand has not reached this point yet. School is just fun for
him. He gets his homework done either at school or on the bus. Now
that school is over, the kids mother has them on Tueday nights
overnight. That's a decent break for me. I can hang out with friends
that one night. This week, they are at the Cub Scout Day Camp. Last
year Logan went and it was so much fun for him. This year, Lexie
wanted to go thru the 'little buddies' program. They told us that she
would still get to do all the same stuff as the boys--which ends up
not being true. She is bored this week... Other than a few little
things--like waiting for our pool to open--the kids are well.

I've been doing some riding lately. I like the new Majesty. It
handles better and seems more solid and reliable than the old bike.
Speaking of which, I sold the old scoot to a woman who was buying it
for her son. Well, I drew up a contact and she's paying me for it.
She gave me $300 and still owes $700. She gave me a photocopy of some
bills, her drivers license number and everything seemed ok. We'll see
for certain how that works out. I have had some surprises in the last repairs, dog vet bills, etc. which put me behind. I
needed to sell it.

Very regretably, I've ended a three year relationship with Theresia,
the girl I had been seeing exclusively. It's not a horrible ending
and I hope we can remain friends. It is just that there have
developments in the past 6 months that's told me it's over between us.
Namely it is that she and I are spending very little time together.
I've decided that I need somebody who has more of their life to give
to me. It's selfish, I know, but everyone deserves happiness. Life
is way too short to settle for sadness and disappointment. She is a
really wonderful girl who is beautiful, funny, kind, and quirky-cool.
Maybe it's that we might each need someone who is completely into us
and has no other obligations or distractions. Maybe if I were more
what she wanted, then she would find more time with me... Maybe it's
simply that the novelty of me wears off in 3-5 years. ;o) Do I still
love her? I don't know...she's a person who is hard not to love. I
know I'll always care about her a whole lot.

I have decided to get off my physiological ass and get started with
diet and excercise. I let the gastric bypass surgery take me as far
as it could, and now I need to follow the rules and take of the
remainder of the weight. I have to be around for a long while. The
kids need me. I have a couple old friends from Ball State that I've
become reaquainted with on Facebook. (I know, I can hear the groans).
Well, regardless of what you think about FB, it helps me keep in
touch. So there is this fellow I used to hang out with named Bill
Conner. On FB he is Thor Conner. He is going to school to become
what I refer to as a witch-doctor. It's those folks who believe in
that pseudo-science stuff like herbs, organic foods, acupuncture,
meditation, etc...all that crap I don't believe in...they think this
helps you live longer and healthier. Well, with a big huge sodium
filled grain of salt, I take some advice from Thor. I am starting the
"Paleolithic diet". The basic theory is what really grabbed me.

"The Paleolithic Diet a.k.a. Neanderthin is the diet that we humans
are genetically adapted to eat. The paleolithic age is the same as the
Stone Age - so this is a stone age diet or life style. This has been
humanity's preferred diet for something like 2.5 million years, and
humans have only genetically changed 0.005% since the introduction of
agriculture (the Neolithic). As a rule, agricultural (and
technological) products are not healthy to eat, and we should
predominantly try to eat only those whole foods that are healthy in
their raw state (though almost all humans, including hunter-gatherers
cook their food)."

Note that this does not mean you have to eat everything raw. It's
just saying you should eat only things that are healthy in their raw
state. The basics of the diet are very similar to Atkins, which I
have had some success on in the past. The worst part so far is not
giving up sweets. It is having to drink only water that is killing
me! I have to urinate at least every 30 minutes! I have only been on
it since Monday. We shall see how it goes. Mind you, even in this
short period I am not perfect. Last night I met up with a couple
riders at Flanagan's. I got a greek salad, gave Ken my breadsticks,
but still had a beer. Oh well, I figure beer is pretty close to
Paleolithic. Didn't ancient Egyptians or Aztecs get hammered

The dog, Splott, seems to be doing much better. A month now, and no
seizures. That's good in my book, but he also seems a little
different. He's sort of cracked out sometimes and jonesing for his
next fix. When I get out his pill (which I have to disguise) he comes
running and SLAMS into the oven door (it's with his paws, not his
head..)!! Plus he gets the shakes sometimes. He just looks at you
like "why did you do this to me?"

Later this month, I go to Gasoline Rally in Indianapolis. So far I
still do not have a room reserved. Money has been tight, so I might
just have to take my chances at finding a room when I get there.
Always an adventure when you're riding in the open wind. I can also
use my hammock to camp out, so anybody in Indy with two trees roughly
15 feet or so apart...let me know. I'll rent them for a couple
nights! If I get desperate enough, I might even consider a couch as a
good backup plan!!!