Monday, May 22, 2006


Man, I was worn down last night. I got the kids showers, and crawled into bed. They slept with me last night and we read two chapters in the goosebumps book. That damn thing is getting on my nerves. It keeps stringing you along. Logan has the croupy sound this morning. I have a sore throat and sinus drainage. I hate when one of the kids has that “barking” like cough. It makes me feel so sorry for them. When he talks he sounds froggy. *sighs*

We had fun fishing yesterday. I had to pull a tick off of Logan’s back. I checked them both thoroughly and then we got showers. Lexie has one small itchy spot that she says is poison ivy, but hell, with all the hiking we did and tall weeds and mud and water…I think we got off easy! I got sunburned on my face and arms but the kids seemed fine. Logan got a little bit of sun on his cheeks. Today after work is housework day. Dishes, put laundry away, clean, pickup, etc…

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