The family. We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together. ~Erma Bombeck
Friday, December 29, 2006
When she made Jodie supervisor, I think that has been her only big mistake. There were employees who no longer work at the company who were very immature. They would play on the internet and read a lot--basically goofing off and chatting all the time. She saw this as "them" and grouped Robin and a few others into that group as well. She did this based on age. I see that Robin was different and even though she liked to chat a little and joke around with her coworkers, she always got her job done first and put the actual work before anything else. I have the same philosophy to work hard when there is work, but when it slacks off, to have enough fun with your coworkers to make it an enjoyable place to be. Jodie comes from a different era of workplace. She is over sixty years old, and she wants to supervise people with an iron glove. These days there are tons of places to go entry level in a customer service position and people will just not put up with that. They will move on. I feel like it's killing our department and I think a couple weeks ago, Jennifer finally saw what was going on and tried to put a stop to it. It was just too late for Robin. Everyone will be sad she is gone.
Hanging out with Steve and Liz
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Abstract art by Lexie
Alex's birthday party
Fun for kids
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
New flask
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Blogging from the boat
Lion head boy
Friday, December 22, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Baking, baking, baking
I have made cookies of the sugar, chocolate chip, and double chocolate chip variety. Some mixing required, but basically no sweat boxed variety. Hey man, I used up so much effort on the other stuff I just couldn't do these from scratch. Besides, if you bake them right, they are nice and soft and tasty. The other things were: traditional shortbread cookies made from scratch, and English cream scones--they go with the home-made apple-butter. The apple butter is also from scratch. I may make some more later the easier way by buying plain apple sauce, but this batch was made from apples the kids and I picked a while back and have been storing in the entire bottom drawer of the refridgerator. They come from a little orchard here in louisville. The kids helped as much as they could without risking burns and such, but I did the lions-share. They helped a lot more than I thought they would...
Anyway, it has been fun and tedious, and work, and rewarding...
Christmas with Pawpaw and Dana
I was planning on going over about 6pm or so and they staying for about an hour. Joe was not feeling well, and he and Dana have this thing about company staying for more than 15 minutes and they want people to leave while you still want them to stay. Planning on this, I called Steve and Liz the day before and said we would be over no later than 7:30pm or so. You can imagine how stressful it was to look at my watch and it was 9pm! I was freaking not only because I was afraid we had overstayed our welcome with Pawpaw and Dana, but that we had blown off Steve and Liz. To boot, I have no cellular service with T-mobile out at Joe and Dana's--its a dead zone for me. So I tried to call Steve as we were leaving but that's a work week night for them and I guess they'd went to bed. They probably got sick of waiting! I know I would have.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
My dragon, apple butter
Apple butter
Friday, December 15, 2006
How to save Money at Christmas

Thursday, December 14, 2006
Re: My Elfamorphosis erid=6588ebcd2fb9f3bffbbdfccG06121416
Kelly Nall
"Modesty is often underrated..." Ok, am I the only person who finds that hilarious?
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Logan's letter to Santa Claus
For Christmas I want a play sord wut ever one you can find. I want a scooter and helmit and I want chcin lib[chicken limbo game]. I want some more chrak[track] and cars and I want those shoos that my mommy took picchers of here at dadys.
Lexie's Letter to Santa Claus
I think I'v been good. A you and oter inportint people never gite
tankyous so im saing tankyou.
this is what I want for Christmas.
1. Scoter
2. Stuft amimales
3. barbbies
3. barbi clos
4. Jump rope
5. Spede stac
6. balziball [basketball]
7. madels [models?]
8. kamru [camera?]
9. pante [panty? paint?]
10. good books
11. water toys
Tankyou Love Lexie
Logan's letter to Santa Claus
For Christmas I want a play sord wut ever one you can find. I want a
scooter and helmit and I want chcin lib[chicken limbo game]. I want
some more chrak[track] and cars and I want those shoos that my mommy
took picchers of here at dadys.
Two baby girl gerbils
getting two boys or two girls because I forgot. She said "You're
getting two sweet adorable girls."
Monday, December 11, 2006
No Santa Claus?
the way my kids understand about Santa Claus when it's the time in their
life that they have doubts about if Santa is real.
NO Santa Claus?
I remember my first Christmas adventure with Grandma. I was just a kid.
I remember tearing across town on my bike to visit her on the day my big
sister dropped the bomb: "There
is no Santa Claus," she jeered. "Even dummies know that!" My Grandma was
not the gushy kind, never had been. I fled to her that day because I
knew she would be straight with me. I knew Grandma always told the
truth, and I knew that the truth always went down a whole lot easier
when swallowed with one of her "world-famous" cinnamon buns. I knew they
were world-famous, because Grandma said so. It had to be true.
Grandma was home, and the buns were still warm. Between bites, I told
her everything. She was ready for me. "No Santa Claus?" She
snorted...."Ridiculous! Don't believe it. That rumor has been going
around for years, and it makes me mad, plain mad!! Now, put on your
coat, and let's go." "Go? Go where, Grandma?" I asked. I hadn't even
finished my second world- famous cinnamon bun.
"Where" turned out to be Kerby's General Store, the one store in town
that had a little bit of just about everything. As we walked through its
doors, Grandma handed me ten dollars.
That was a bundle in those days. "Take this money," she said, "and buy
something for someone who needs it. I'll wait for you in the car. "Then
she turned and walked out of
I was only eight years old. I'd often gone shopping with my mother, but
never had I shopped for anything all by myself. The store seemed big
and crowded, full of people scrambling
to finish their Christmas shopping. For a few moments I just stood
there, confused, clutching that ten-dollar bill, wondering what to buy,
and who on earth to buy it for. I thought of everybody I knew: my
family, my friends, my neighbors, the kids at school, and the people who
went to my church.
I was just about thought out, when I suddenly thought of Bobby Decker.
He was a kid with bad breath and messy hair, and he sat right behind me
in Mrs. Pollock's grade-two class.
Bobby Decker didn't have a coat. I knew that because he never went out
to recess during the winter. His mother always wrote a note, telling the
teacher that he had a cough, but all we kids knew that Bobby Decker
didn't have a cough; he didn't have a good coat. I fingered the
ten-dollar bill with growing excitement. I would buy Bobby Decker a
I settled on a red corduroy one that had a hood to it. It looked real
warm, and he would like that.
"Is this a Christmas present for someone?" the lady behind the counter
asked kindly, as I laid my ten dollars down.
"Yes, ma'am," I replied shyly. "It's for Bobby." The nice lady smiled at
me, as I told her about how Bobby really needed a good winter coat. I
didn't get any change, but she put the coat in a bag, smiled again, and
wished me a Merry Christmas.
That evening, Grandma helped me wrap the coat (a little tag fell out of
the coat, and Grandma tucked it in her Bible) in Christmas paper and
ribbons and wrote, "To Bobby, From Santa Claus" on it. Grandma said that
Santa always insisted on secrecy. Then she drove me over to Bobby
Decker's house, explaining as we went that I was now and forever
officially, one of Santa's helpers.
Grandma parked down the street from Bobby's house, and she and I crept
noiselessly and hid in the bushes by his front walk.
Then Grandma gave me a nudge. "All right, Santa Claus," she whispered,
"get going." I took a deep breath, dashed for his front door, threw the
present down on his step, pounded his door and flew back to the safety
of the bushes and Grandma.
Together we waited breathlessly in the darkness for the front door to
open. Finally it did, and there stood Bobby. Fifty years haven't dimmed
the thrill of those moments spent shivering, beside my Grandma, in Bobby
Decker's bushes. That night, I realized that those awful rumors
about Santa Claus were just what Grandma said they were: ridiculous.
Santa was alive and well, and we were on his team.
I still have the Bible, with the coat tag tucked inside: $19.95.
May you always have LOVE to share, HEALTH to spare and FRIENDS that
And may you always believe in the magic of Santa Claus!
Weekend of Shopping...not completely successful.
Saturday she and I slept in, then got up and watched Pulse. It was
really cool! After that, we went to look for a Christmas tree for
Jeff. Jeff is her daughter's boyfriend and he just moved in to an
apartment in my complex. At around noon, we went to Simpsonville to
the Shelby County flea market. It's about 10 minutes away from
Louisville and it's open every weekend 9-5 on Saturday and Sunday.
Well the reason I went is because that's where the breeder is at for
the gerbils I'm getting for the kids for Christmas. We were there
until 4:30 and I paid for the gerbils. I'm going to pick them up on
the 23rd. I will try and post a couple pictures from my phone, but
blogger seems to be crapping out on me.
After we got done we did some more shopping. I got the stuff I need
to make apple butter and shortbread cookies. That night we came home
beat, ate a frozen pizza and watched Pirates of the Caribbean—Dead
Man's Chest. Or at least we tried. We fell asleep and had to finish
it Sunday morning. We were both tired from all the walking. Theresia
left to go get her stuff done, and I went out to finish my shopping.
I had to get just a couple more things "from Santa" for the kids. I
wanted to spend about $30 each. I decided to try and get Lexie a pair
of skates, and Logan a scooter. Well, the only skates I could find
were inline, and Shellie said not to get them that they wouldn't be
the same as quad skates. The kids took skating lessons (just four of
them) and learned how to skate, so I thought it would be cool if they
could do that at home. Well, I could find a scooter for Logan, but it
was kinda for a littler kid and he is a big boy.
I got just a couple things for my girlfriend and her little girl
Rachael. I'm not spending much on anybody but the kids. We're making
shortbread cookies and apple butter for most everyone else. Sunday I
kept looking for skates everywhere. Not even the sporting goods
stores have quad skates—only roller blades. I'm irritated… I did
find an option for Logan. It's a "scooter board" that looks like it
would hold up really good. It's the kind that is a skate board on the
bottom, and has the scooter-like stick on the top. I was thinking 4
wheels might be much better than 2 for balance. I found out that I
can get a pair of skates for Lexie at a skating rink, but they will
cost between $60 and $110. Now I am thinking I will get her a skate
board. I think I can get her a beginner board for $30 or less. By
next year they could both be skateboarders. Anything physical I can
get them in to, I am all for it. I'd love to see them skating on
ramps and all that crazy stuff. Well, aside from the broken bones…
We don't need any of that. I had a skate board when I was a kid but I
never did any of the trick stuff. If you're just rolling along, they
seem pretty safe. I will very soon have to get pads and helmets.
Like after-Christmas sale soon. I hope we get a bonus here at work!
The last thing I did was get the fruit for their stockings. I got an
assortment, plus a few little toys. The weird thing I found was a
plastic four-pack of graples. They are apples, but they taste like
grapes. I HAD to eat one and sure enough—they tasted like grapes.
Today, if the kids can get them done, I am going to send the kids
"letters to Santa" off in the mail. A couple days later, I will put
their letters FROM Santa in the mail. I hope they like reading them.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Getting some respect at work
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Snow & Pizza Party, Lexie Shops
Lexie really had a good time buying presents for me, her mother, andLogan yesterday at the Price Elementary Winter Wonderland Botique.Logan shops at it today. I told him to put my present away, and Iwould help him wrap sister's present, and then they could wrap mineand mommy's together. Lexie wrapped all hers by herself and did agood job. I tricked her into telling me one of the presents--its apen! That's really good because year before last she got me one fromthe same sort of program at North Haven, and one of my idiot friendsbroke it. It was cool--it even said DAD on it.
I got the Christmas cards addressed. Now we just have to sign them. Also we're going to put in Christmas photos like we did last year. Shellie was nice enough to take our picture in front of the tree. Theresia took our pictures at the Kentucky Horse Park thing we went to but they all came out too dark or blurry. She must not be good at taking pictures because I noticed the ones I took of her and Rachael were perfect. No big deal. As long as I get them and we get the cards sent out this weekend it will be all fine. I plan on doing that Friday after I get paid!!! I'm also going to go see the lady about the gerbils for the kids and pay for them. I have a busy weekend.
like Christmas...
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Gerbil Habitat
The Gerbil habitat i ordered for the kids came today. I can't wait for them to see everything in a couple weeks. I'm going to take them the 3rd week of this month and get the Gerbils. I know they will love them. This is the top for a 10 gallon tank.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Last week i was coming back from dropping the kids off at school and i hit a tree that was blown down from high winds the night before. The road was 2 lanes, but a cop car was right beside me so i could not get over! I don't know if theyre permanent.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Lexie and Logan were sharing a bottle of water and she just sternly told him " And don't put your mouth over the whole bottle, cuz nobody wants to drink backwash! Right daddy?" I was dying laughing!
Friday, December 01, 2006
The Animal Rescue Site : Feed an Animal in Need
Visit The Animal Rescue Site at http://www.theanimalrescuesite
There is no cost to you! Funding for nutritious food is paid by site sponsors and goes to nonprofit animal welfare organizations who use it to feed animals living in their shelters and sanctuaries.
The Animal Rescue Site was launched in July of 2002 and has generated millions of bowls of food for rescued animals since then. With your help, many more animals will benefit in 2006! It all depends on the number of people who visit the site.
Please click at The Animal Rescue Site once a day and forward this email on so more people can help give animals the happy, healthy lives they deserve.
Together, we can make a difference for vulnerable pets and wildlife!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Lost Movies
I can't believe it. I've lost two rental movies. The kids got ready to watch The Black Stallion, and noticed there was no movie in the case. When I turned it in, I told them and they were just like "ok". Then I turned in several other movies, and they called the next day and said that Twitches-Teen Witches was not in the case when I turned it in. Now I am 100% positive I saw that one! I can't figure out what's happening.
Logan's Pants
Last night I hemmed two pair of pants I just bought for Logan. One of them got hemmed wrong with the cut portion turned outside instead of inside. I got up this morning, took that hem out, and turned it over. He put them on and wore them today...and I see they are almost too short. I spent $30 on two pair of pants and now they are short. I am so aggrivated.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Lexie and Logan at School
Long Weekend Sunday
Sunday was fun. I relaxed that morning and finished my book. It's the third in the Brian Lumley "Necroscope" series. I'd read it before long ago, and it had been time to re-read some of those old books I've loved in the past. I get them as used at the bookstores for cheap and I will keep them until the kids get old enough to read them. I hope they will like them as much as I do. Finished that, and Theresia made us coffee. Then I went out to Autozone. She needed bulbs for her driver-side front turn signals. Also, my lower fog lamp was out so I got that. I replaced them all, including her headlights (she'd already bought those and I put them in first). So I did that, and she made lunch-the best salmon patties I've ever had! She also made broccoli. You know, she keeps saying "I can't cook..." but it's all a smoke-screen because she HATES to cook. I just know it because everything she ever fixed for me has been tasty. She also made chocolate pudding the night before!!! I KNOW SHE CAN COOK AND SHE'S NOT FOOLING ME!!!
After that, Jeff came over and got Kendall. I was finishing laundry (well she finished it and I sorted it), and then she was up on this chair putting a new smoke/CO filter in and was having trouble with it so I did it. Then she said "next weekend or sometime I want you to help me put in this new light. I told her to turn off the switch and I just got out my screwdriver and took the old one out and put the new one in. It's much easier having somebody who will hand you stuff, be patient with you, and freak out when you act like you're getting shocked. It made me feel good to get those lights changed and help her out a little around the house. I am DYING to get over there with my cordless drill and put a new toilet paper roll holder in. Man that is bugging me!
Well, we left after that and went over to my place. Watched a little more TV, then she had to go get Rachael. I was alone, so I put some laundry away and just bummed around. I remembered I had to go to the store, but it was 6:30 and I didn't think I'd have time. I needed to go to get Lexie and Logan socks-I'd thrown away about three pairs that had holes in the heels. Also since I'd bought pants that needed hemmed, I needed thread in colors to match. I picked up the kids and we went to Michaels, then Wal-Mart. Then we went home and got ready for bed. End of weekend.
Long Weekend Saturday
Ok. We woke up and watched some more TV, ate some of the never-ending leftovers. Theresia left to go get some things done before she had to watch her granddaughter Kendall. I was lounging some, and getting laundry packed together. I came over and mowed her lawn while she started my laundry. We had broiled salmon and salad for supper, watched TV, played with Kendall, and did laundry. We saw "Slipstream", "Dead Meat" and something else I don't remember--nothing outstanding. You know if it was, I would blog it. Dead Meat was interesting and kept your attention for a b-grade horror. It was better than a lot of them I've rented recently. I stayed late, still not done with laundry, and woke up and Theresia had almost finished it.
Long Weekend Friday
Friday the kids went out to play outside, and I stayed in, cleaning house, getting laundry together, and doing the huge pile of dishes from the day before. Then we HAD to get them some clothes. I went to Goodwill and found several shirts for Lexie, and two pair of pants. For Logan I found one pair of pants. They hate every second of clothes shopping and it was miserable for me knowing they would be going with their mom soon and I would not see them for the rest of the
night, plus all of Saturday, and most all of Sunday. I was very bummed that we were not having fun, and I was already missing them.
We went to the mall at St. Matthews and J.C. Penny's. I found (on sale) a pair of pants for Logan and two shirts. Shellie meets us there, and I try to find a pair of pants for Lexie quickly, but
everything she tries on is either too big or too small. I give up, they are miserable anyway, and they leave while I go to pay. I saw them outside leaving as I was coming out--I almost cried. I felt so d@mn bad on the way home that I stopped at two pet stores. I got each of them a little critter keeper. I'm going to get them gerbils for Christmas. I found out it has to be mice or gerbils. Guinea pigs are too big, and hamsters are solitary and will bully and fight if put
together. I've known people who had ferrets, and I don't want my apartment to smell like that--so it's definitely gerbils.
Theresia was spending the day with Rachael, so I just moped around the apartment. I eventually watched a movie. It must have sucked because I don't remember what I watched. Friday night, Theresia came over and we went out for supper. She is so sweet--she didn't expect me to pay (sometimes I do and sometimes she does). We both have Christmas
coming up so we went dutch. We went to Bullfrog Garden in Spanish Cove shopping center. I walked in (the second time I've been in the building) and was kind of put off. The place is a bar people. Just a bar. It's not a restaurant. The booths and tables are an afterthought and you expect the food will be grill-bar-deep-fried appetizers and burgers/sandwiches. I went once before and turned around because I really wanted a restaurant. Well we were tired and
so I sat. The waitress--also the bartender--came and brought our menus which were one two-sided laminated sheet. Well, this didn't seem like it was going to be good at all, but I was resigned to find something despite the ashtray on every table, and the loud talking/sports on TV, the halter-top waitress her special greeting of "Whaddaya wanna drink?" I was just about ready to bolt. We had brought our books, and I just told myself it's not about the food or
the service but just relaxing and reading a few pages and enjoying the company of my girlfriend.
I examined the menu and it really didn't look too bad. The steaks were too expensive for a bar, but everything else looked a little pricey but ok. I got something cheap--a hot brown, and also onion rings to share with Theresia. It came with a side of soup. Theresia got smothered chicken and a side salad. Well the food got there, and--WOW! The soup was chicken pot pie soup and it was killer! Likewise, T's salad--which was a hell of a salad (it had a lot of optional veggies, not just tomatoes: banana peppers, carrots, green onion, green pepper, mushrooms) and it was fresher than entrée salads I've seen at EXPENSIVE restaurants! Next was the hot brown and onion rings. The onion rings were greasy--to be expected, and crunchy. They were good onion rings. The hot brown was ok, but the only problem I had was the gravy was so thick it was more like mashed potatoes in consistency. But the flavor was very good. Theresia's smothered chicken was nothing to sneeze at. We both realized that after eating turkey and then leftovers, we'd both gotten poultry AGAIN--AND I EVEN GOT TURKEY!!! We were not disappointed though. It was very good and we'll be back.
We went back home, watched some TV, then went to bed.
Long Weekend Thursday
Here's the quick and dirty on my Thanksgiving extendo-weekend. Wednesday, the kids were off school. I had to arrange daycare for them at $20 per kid. Originally when the divorce was final, I had thought that since I got custody of the kids, I could count on Shellie wanting to spend as much time with them as possible, so I *cringe* assumed that she would keep them all day and do something with them if they were off school, and it was her regular day (i.e. Tuesday or Wednesday). Man, am I a dumb@ss for assuming THAT. Her basic answer was "No, I need my sleep." So...
They went to Thomas Jefferson Middle School again, with the YMCA before/after school program. The rate was $20 per child. Brutal, but I had no choice. Well, they had fun anyway, and at least they didn't sit inside in front of a TV all day, so I don't feel too bad about that.
Every time I call when they are with their mother and ask "What are you doing?" (cheerfully) They always reply "Watching TV..." That was Wednesday.
Thursday I got up at 4am and put the turkey on. I was spazzing out about it because it still seemed frozen when I stuck my hand in to get the package of guts and the neck. But it was only just some left-over ice from inside and all the meat was ok. You could tell by pressing on
it and feeling that it was loose and thawed. Just to make sure, I put it in cold water for an hour. All Thursday from 5am until 1pm I was cooking and finishing up cleaning. The kids were a great help tidying up. They really saved me...except for their ROOM!
I didn't get the giblet gravy done, so I added garlic to the potatoes and called them garlic smashed potatoes. I used an oven bag on the turkey and it didn't look browned so I took off the bag and put it under the broiler for a little too long and burned it. Just surface...all the meat was fine and tasted really good. Everybody said so. My $5 electric knife I bought four months ago at Goodwill was awesome for the bread and of course the turkey too! I made sour dough and country white breads using the bread maker. I think mom would have been proud of me. The casserole, the stuffing, bread, corn spoon bread, turkey--all of it was really ok. Nobody left hungry. After everyone left, I was exhausted. Patti helped me put stuff away except the turkey (because it was in the roaster pan). I just left the turkey out for a little bit and rested. I was really exhausted. We ate left-over's for supper. After that, I de-boned the turkey. The fridge was so full you could not see the lights in the top.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Shizue and the cool stamps

(Logan is the one holding the stamps)
Don's Funeral
Lexie's 12 week Report Card
Friday, November 10, 2006
Insomnia and Bad Dream
I woke up at about 3am this morning and couldn't get back to sleep, so I popped in a movie called "The Sentinel". It was not bad. About 5am I went back to sleep, but before I could drift off, the door opened and Lexie came in to snuggle with me. She tossed and turned for about 15 minutes then asked if she could get up and watch cartoons. What could I say? The same thing happened to me a couple hours earlier, so I understood. I said "Yeah, just don't wake up little brother." I suspect she was excited about no school today and going on her field trip.
I had this really bad dream early this morning after that. I dreamed that mom had just passed away, and that Mike, Patti, Bonnie and I were with Jack and everyone was so sad and upset. I woke up sobbing into my pillow and it was a few minutes before I woke totally up and realized it
was just a dream. This has only happened to me like twice before. Its worse than a nightmare because nightmares are so unreal It just makes me realize how much I miss my mom.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Bad Dreams
I woke up at about 3am this morning and couldn't get back to sleep, so I popped in a movie called "The Sentinel". It was not bad. About 5am I went back to sleep, but before I could drift off, the door opened and Lexie came in to snuggle with me. She tossed and turned for about 15 minutes then asked if she could get up and watch cartoons. What could I say? The same thing happened to me a couple hours earlier, so I understood. I said "Yeah, just don't wake up little brother." I suspect she was excited about no school today and going on her field trip.
I had this really bad dream early this morning after that. I dreamed that mom had just passed away, and that Mike, Patti, Bonnie and I were with Jack and everyone was so sad and upset. I woke up sobbing into my pillow and it was a few minutes before I woke totally up and realized it was just a dream. This has only happened to me like twice before. Its worse than a nightmare because nightmares are so unreal It just makes me realize how much I miss my mom.
The thing that really killed me was this: she sent me a message last night saying "..may be a few minutes late. Sorry". She says sorry, but doesn't mean it. She said she was trying to be nice "for the kids" which made me even angrier. I let her have Lexie so she could go to Kings Island. I let her MOTHER have Logan on the same day, when I REALLY wanted to do something just he and I. I let her have them for trick or treating later than usual, even though it was a school night. I ask her to trade days...told her months ahead about the weekend I would need. So she gives me the kids last Sunday. I need her to watch them Saturday night, but she says she has something going on with a friend. She has ALWAYS put friends before the kids. She always put friend before me too, which I could care less about. So then when I ask her to take them Saturday night instead of Sunday, she gets up and nails herself to a cross throwing a huge little princess fit because she's not getting her way. THEN she has the NERVE to THREATEN me and the kids. She THINKS she is just threatening ME but it's the kids too! She gets them from school on Tuesday and Wednesday and I know when she say "she will have to re-think some things" that is what she is talking about. Hell, the kids and I don't NEED her for anything else, so that's all it could be.
Well, since the kids still aren't getting any child support from her, then money is tight enough that she might really be able to hurt us this way. They are already going on too few clothes and not getting school pictures this year. I DID take them camping, but they have so much fun doing that and I'm still pretty sure that they watch a lot of TV and sit in the house a lot over there, so I feel the need to get them outside whenever possible. So aside from a few things like camping (rarely done) we are strapped down. I shop at all the discount grocery stores (Aldi's, Valu-Market, and Sav-A-Lot), I get clothes from thrift stores when I can, I have put off going to dentist and doctor for myself--three appointments I cancelled (and also I need to get Lexie in to see the doctor about a wart on her foot), I am pushing back an oil change in my car, we have not been out to eat--not even McDonald's--in months. Anything I need that isn't groceries comes from Dollar Tree (where everything's $1.00) or I do without.
I think the kids deserve better than this and it makes me mad. So when she comes off and says "Sorry..." well, I'm not proud of it, but I told her she could shove "sorry". It's EASY to say "sorry" when you're the one who is winning and you are making the other people kiss your ass. It's EASY to say "sorry" when you don't have to worry about a place to live, food to eat, and a car to drive. It's EASY to say "sorry" when there's no meaning behind it, and you don't care who gets hurt. I am beyond personal hurt from her. She can still make me angry. I just hate it when the kids have to suffer because of her immaturity.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Committment Ceremony
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Screwed again
Now this weekend rolls around and she said "What time do you want me to get the kids sunday morning?" and I asked her then could it be Saturday night. You know, I was thinking I would get at least the amount of flexibility that I give out. No way. She says I have plans Saturday night. She is helping a friend make a video tape for school. So I get a little upset. "I tell her since she can't take the day I need, and it's my regular weekend, don't worry about it." Also I'm thinking I will want to see them Sunday since I will have to be finding a sitter and not get to spend time with them Saturday night. She freaks out and says she has plans now for Sunday night with them. She's calling me, leaving nasty messages on my phone (I don't answer because I'm at work). She sends hateful text messages... She even threatens me. She says "I got some things to think about too, because we've agreed to some things and if you're not going to hold up your end of the bargain, then I don't guess I need to uphold my end of the bargain on a few things." She says it was not a threat, but I know it is. So, like always, I gave in to her. Now she is saying because I made her mad, she will punish me by never changing our schedule again.
The problem is it states clearly in the Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines that I HAVE to give her first choice when I'm going to get a sitter. I told her that if she is going to waive that right, then I want it in writing because I am NOT going to break the law. When I get that, at least I can get a sitter without going to her first. She always acts like she's doing the ultimate favor and making the world's greatest sacrifice when she switches or trades with me. I'm sick of it. It's like making a deal with Satan for your soul every time--and she twists the deal around to her favor and takes things by the letter rather than the spirit, and does whatever she can to punish me, make things difficult for me, and hurt me. She doesn't care that it hurts the kids. And if by some chance things don't work out good enough in her favor? Then she's been nailed to a cross and you're the big *ssh*le! You should hear her voice on the message. You can here the tone--it's like a kid throwing a fit to get what they want. I'm going to try and find a way to post it as a wav file... She's been spoiled all her life and gotten everything she wanted from parents, friends, family, and me. She knows nothing else.
Monday, October 30, 2006
My relatives up North
The kids were just about perfect. They were quiet, and brought me tissues when I was crying and hugged onto me. They really are wonderful kids. They did really well on the way up except for when we got to the funeral home and had to get right back in the car to go to Fort Wayne. Logan started crying and I had to explain what they were doing and why and he was ok with it then. Not happy, but that's completely understandable. He was just frustrated because he understood that we were "there" and he didn't get to get out and stop riding around in the car. He was tired of being cooped up. He's an angel for 5 years old. Lexie was pretty good. They also did really well in church that morning. They almost always do. I need to do something special with them for all the good behavior yesterday.
My brother Don

Sunday, October 29, 2006
Because money is tight, the kids need clothes and holidays are coming, I thought I would try donating plasma. There were a bunch of thugs in the waiting room, it took 4 hrs, and then they basically vein-raped me and told me i have to wait 8 weeks.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
An American Haunting
Thesesia and I watched this movie tonight and it was one of the better thriller-horror movies I have seen recently. I would say that I should have seen it in the theater. Definately worth watching this Halloween season. Sutherland is worth watching.
Excel 2003 Level 2 Intermediate Training


Dire Straits
"Dr. Parkinson declared, "I'm not surprised to see you here. You've got smoker's cough from smoking, brewer's croup from drinking beer. I don't know how you've come to get that Bette Davis wheeze, but worst of all young man, you've got industrial disease!"
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
New haircut
Today I decided to give myself a new haircut. I was looking for something easy, plus I wanted to do this for a halloween costume. Also, I'm trying to save money on expensive shampoos and conditioners. Ok really it was a grooming accident this morn...
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Halloween Party
POS dryer
Well, I decided to try and save some time again by going to the apartment's laundry room. I am never coming back here again! The washers are always setting with wet clothes in them. Half the damn dryers set with dry clothes. The other half either don't spin or don't heat! Of course, you still have to put your money into the bloody thing to find out! Now I'm tired, feet hurt, and its 6pm. Just time to put the clothes up, fix supper, and go to bed. I wanted to go visit either my sister Patti, or Joe and Dana, but I guess we're not doing THAT! *grumble*
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Bardstown Boofest
Friday, October 20, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
The geek in me
Well, I just got three new players for my game. That makes a total of eleven. This is played by e-mail and requires everyone to "post" one message every day. Well, I have a couple of folks who are not posting at all, nor responding to any of my e-mails, so I'm going to have to cut them at the end of this "chapter" so I can get rid of the dead wood. Hopefully the three new people will take up that slack.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Costume for Work/Money/This Weekend
Kimmy and William

This is a picture of the kids cousin Kimmy. She sent me an e-mail wishing me a happy birthday and to tell me she got married on July 14th and moved to New York with her new husband William who is in the Army.
I hope they treat each other always with love and respect, and always try to put the other's needs and wants first.
I am going to ask her for her address so that the kids can write letters to her. They need to write more and I want to give them reasons to write.
Chrysler Sebring Convertibles
I have come to the conclusion that 99% of the Sebrings are convertibles. Does anybody know why the hell this is?
Lexie's Printing

Sunday, October 15, 2006
I'm blogging from Heine Bros.
Weekend with T/Booksale/Coffee
Friday, October 13, 2006
My Chucks
I got these quite a while back on clearance sale at Shoe Carnival. I love my Chucks. They just scream Rock & Roll to me. I got 4 pairs of shoes since i lost weight. Also Adidas, Crocs, and boots. Plus one pair of brown dress shoes for work. I am set!
My Jealous Girlfriend
Ok, this is in the same vein...I just got a card from her--here at work. Why didn't she send it home? That's so everyone (all the girls I work with) will see it and ask about it. She's staking her claim again. Flattering me, but still sometimes I think she's nuts. Not necessarily in a bad way. The only thing that bothers me is the underlying lack of trust. I will show it to all the girls though. Even though it's a little personal, they will think it is so sweet. I do too, of course.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Butterick - B4574 - MEN'S COSTUME - 4574
Baked Beans
Parent/Teacher Conference with Ms. Caswell/Pants
Now if I could just find her and Logan more pants for winter. She went to school today in shorts and a polo shirt and the two of them were shivering when the bus came (it got to them late today--they said they have a new driver). I am working on compiling a list of consignment, thrift, and discount stores, but these two are so hard to fit. Cooler weather is here RIGHT NOW and Lex only has two pair of pants she can wear to school. Logan only has 3. I know I can just have them wearing the same pants every day of the week, but that really goes against my grain. Not to mention that I need to get them some non-school cooler weather clothes... If anybody has any information on where to find clothes discounted or otherwise cheap, please let me know. I have not seen anything from the child support office yet and I was kind of wanting that to use for clothing because we run a pretty close budget. I guess I could have told them "no" about camping, but when that's the only vacation they're getting this year, I hated to do that.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Foul Mood
My Hands
Ms. Pass gave me this that Logan made. She waited to hand it to me during conference because she didn't want it messed up. It is definately keepsake material.