Thursday, October 19, 2006


I decided to try to make the shirt portion of my costume. I have never really sewed anything before... It was a challenge just getting the crap cut out. I found material at Wal-Mart for $0.99 a yard and I needed like 5 yards so if I totally screw it up, I don't have to feel too bad about it. I mean part of me says "how hard can it be?" and the other part looks at the stuff I've cut out and thinks "man, what the hell have you gotten yourself into!" Unless I did something completely wrong, I did manage to use the amount of cloth and get all the required pieces cut out, and have a little left over. I cut a bit of leeway around the pattern because I was afraid of cutting into it. This may screw up the sizing, but hopefully will only make it a little bigger and not do something like totally screw it up when it comes to putting it all together. My sister Bonnie said that she would help me by getting the same pattern and following along, but I haven't heard back from her on email and I've sent about three.

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