Thursday, December 07, 2006

Snow & Pizza Party, Lexie Shops

We got some snow today! Also there was inventory at work today andthey had pizza left over so us poor office workers got some too!

Lexie really had a good time buying presents for me, her mother, andLogan yesterday at the Price Elementary Winter Wonderland Botique.Logan shops at it today. I told him to put my present away, and Iwould help him wrap sister's present, and then they could wrap mineand mommy's together. Lexie wrapped all hers by herself and did agood job. I tricked her into telling me one of the presents--its apen! That's really good because year before last she got me one fromthe same sort of program at North Haven, and one of my idiot friendsbroke it. It was cool--it even said DAD on it.

I got the Christmas cards addressed. Now we just have to sign them. Also we're going to put in Christmas photos like we did last year. Shellie was nice enough to take our picture in front of the tree. Theresia took our pictures at the Kentucky Horse Park thing we went to but they all came out too dark or blurry. She must not be good at taking pictures because I noticed the ones I took of her and Rachael were perfect. No big deal. As long as I get them and we get the cards sent out this weekend it will be all fine. I plan on doing that Friday after I get paid!!! I'm also going to go see the lady about the gerbils for the kids and pay for them. I have a busy weekend.

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