I can not believe what happened. I had people praying, I did everything I could think of to prepare. I even prayed some myself although I don't think I'm to a point where I can ask God for anything in good consience. I got custody of my two wonderful children--the meaning for my entire existance!!! It went like this:
I showed up with my friend and lawyer Chuck. Also Joe and Dana were there as well as my sister Patti. I figured I would need all the moral support and love I could get. I knew going in there how easy it is for a court to see man, woman, and decide without any real thought--woman gets kids. I was horrified this would happen to me.
That's why I was so stunned! I heard the judge ask Shellie what she wanted and she said "joint physical custody" and he asked her "So what is joint physical custody?" She said something about half and half and then said "well Chuck drew up the paperwork..." The judge went on to explain that courts just don't award joint physical custody. One parent is primary and the other has visitation. He asked her in each phase if she understood. She just agreed to everything the judge asked her--and it was everything I wanted.
I fully expected her mother to be there. Beyond that I half expected her mother to have hired a lawyer for her. The only thing that happened that I didn't like was that they made her pay child support. It's a minimal amount, but she's trying to get back on her feet. I didn't want that, but then Chuck reminded me it is not her obligation to me that she pays child support for, but her obligation to the kids.
The most stressful, most important, and gut wrenching hurdle of my life is now done. I'm glad this turned out the way it did. The kids need their mother, but I feel like I can be a more stable and nurturing parent for them. I guess the court, God, or whatever and whoever is in control of this mad life thinks that too. I told the kids they can see and call their mother anytime they want if it is up to me.