Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Jennifer Loves Me!!! /Theresia's Test

Ok, well, maybe my supervisor at the 2nd job doesn't LOVE me, but she didn't make me work in the fitting room! I worked at the customer service desk tonight, then at the end of the night did carts, then dust mop. It was an easy night. I didn't have anybody to watch the kids from the usual time 7:30 or 8pm until I got off work at 9:30 so their mother had to drop them off to me. I don't mind so much--it's not like the have school early in the morning or I do this to them all the time. They should be fine.

My girlfriend Theresia might have sleep apnea. She's did a sleep study and they found out that her oxygen is low and she stops breathing when she sleeps. They are going to do another test tonight with air/oxygen and see how she does. If she gets treatment then she might feel a lot better and have more energy. I know when I got treated I was a lot worse off than she is and I felt a bit better. I was literally falling asleep standing up. It was bad... CPAP machines suck, but the effects of sleep apnea suck a lot worse.

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