Monday, July 16, 2007

Appointment to Lville Oncology

If they offer you coffee, tea, or a soft drink, then either they get paid too much or its going to be a long wait... They are going to test me again for Protein S and C deficiency. Doctor Hadley said I need to be on a low level of coumadin/blood thinner. The reasons: for my protein deficiencies, because I've had a clot in the past, and because I have a vena cava filter. He said ther is like a .03% chance per year of developing a bleed being on blood thinner, but then without it I am at risk for another clot. I don't want to be dependent on any medication for the rest of my life, but the kids need me around and healthy as I can be. He said it would be a good idea to check Lexie and Logan later when they are adults...especially Lexie if she ever wants to go on birth control. It is not a big deal for one factor but if you start putting them together they add up. Overweight, long stays in bed, long hours sitting with no movement (air trips to Australia or car trips to Florida!), the S&C deficiencies, low vitamin K, vena cava filter, prior clots, certain medications like birth control, etc. All adds up... He said exercise is important because it makes your muscles produce some chemical that eats up blood clots. He named it, but I forgot. Incidentally, protein S is named for Seattle and C is for Chicago (where the scientists who discovered them were located).

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