Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Statewide Tornado Drill

At 10:07am this morning, the state of Kentucky did a test Tornado Alert System. Many businesses, including where I work did a drill. We had to go to the most interior wall of the building which was about the distance of two blocks from my office. I just kept thinking how I would probably die on en route to the safe area... I did stop to grab a cup of coffee on the way-something I guess I would probably not do if there was a real tornado (unless I was extraordinarily thirsty...but perhaps with a jolt of caffine I may make it to the safe area a lot quicker). I was of the opinion that with all the open space, the fiberglass, wood, and aluminum product whirling around like a blender in the 25 foot high warehouse, that we would probably all die anyway. My next thought was that although I like the people I work with, I dont believethere is really anyone there I would care to have around to see me perish (or vice-versa). Not that they aren't nice folks... In retrospect, if this tornado thing is going down, I had better stop for the cup of java.

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