Sunday, March 07, 2010

Aviation/Aeronautics day at the park.

I took the kids to the park today so Logan could fly his model rocket and R/C plane. They were both so much fun for the kids that they both wanted to do it. alpha iii

The first thing we did was launch the rocket.

The first launch was using one of the engines that came with the rocket startup system. It was A type which is not as powerful. I guess you need to use a little more wadding than what the instructions called for because it sort of slagged the parachute a little! The second launch was about the same...the parachute didn't open much and had holes and I thought the landing would damage the rocket, but it was ok. The third time I was the one who got to push the button and we were out of the type A engines. I had to use a B type engine which goes up a bit further. Well, wouldn't you know that it got hung in a tree!

P3070368 I promised to buy Logan another rocket to replace it...

After this, we played with his Air Hogs Jet Set R/C Plane.

jet set It flew pretty good, but was hard for the kids (and even myself) to control. I think that even though this is the only park with a field designed for these kinds of things, our skill level is such that we probably need a bigger field! There were some guys playing soccer, and kids having baseball practice, and a couple times we distracted players with a plane or rocket over their heads… Other than a couple dive bombs into the ground, the Jet Set did well. Crashes, but no burns.

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