Monday, March 22, 2010

My friend Jim Legans

There's a guy who I've know for several years now.  Well, I say "known" but I have never met him.  We have emailed and chatted back and forth, and even talked on the phone.  We are what some would call "gamers", and we have played the same ongoing game together on the 'net since 2006.  He was on a bit of a journey around the United States, and was able to drop in and meet me.  He came to my apartment and visted with the kids, Splott(who he referred to as Cujo), and I.  He did not have a lot of time and had a schedule to keep, but we were able to keep him in Louisville for a couple hours by having lunch at Indi's Chicken.  I really wanted to take him somewhere to get a Hot Brown (which is a Louisville Original dish) but The Brown Hotel I believe requires reservations, and the only other place I know for certain has one is Tommy Lancaster's over in New Albany...hardly appropriate (and closed on Sunday).
It was very good to shake the hand of a man who I have known for this many years and enjoyed a friendship with through gaming.  Although Jim is not short, he has such a grand personality that I expected him to be taller and bigger than me.  Still, he is my friend and I am not at all disappointed to have finally met him.  Safe travels, and a welcome return home, Jim!

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