Monday, November 05, 2007

JCPS Followup

For some reason, my post about the JCPS losing Lexie did not post.
The final outcome was this: Her teacher Ms. White calls me to talk
about it. She burst out into crying saying she's been feeling sick
lately and she was on the way to the doctor. She said she was real
sorry that it happened. I might be pessimistic here, but it sounded
more like "I'm really sorry that I got into trouble over this." not,
"I'm real sorry that you child was put at risk and could have been
abducted." I told her that I understood that she is only human and
mistakes are possible, but that no excuse is acceptable with regards
to risking the safety of a child. I told her if she is overwhelmed,
she needs to ask for help. Let's just all thank God she's not a
surgeon with that attitude!

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