Friday, March 23, 2007

New Pen I Stole

My co-pay for an office visit was $25 this time! I just about crapped. I decided my compensation was this neat blue VIAGRA pen. I was doing some follow-up. Last month I had bloodwork done. Since gastric bypass, my physician likes to keep a close eye on me. She got the results back, and apparently I have something called "Protein S Deficiency" I did a little research on webmd and it said that lack of protein s in the blood can be linked to a similar lack of vitamin K. So I looked up what vitamin K comes from. Sure enough, it comes from stuff I have not been eating a lot of. With my malabsorbtion, what little greens, broccoli, asparagus, and the like that I DO eat, I probably have really not been getting ANY. I'm adding greens, and more fruit, vegetables, and less potatoes, bread and pasta. Also going to add more whole grains and I'm getting rid of sodas altogether-even diet. Research I have done indicates that artificial sweeteners may have zero calories, but may not really help in losing weight. Legitimate universities have done tests that support this too. There is a lot to be found on the net to do with asparatame toxicity and how it got back door government approval by the FDA. Anyway, I go back again in three weeks and probably have MORE blood drawn to see if things have changed.

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