Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My birthday present came today!

I am so excited!  I was ready to take a month or so off from brewing.  You know, just chill and enjoy the fruits of my labors up to this point so far.  After all, I still have some Brett's Beard Bitter Ale, some New Steel Pale Ale, some Nut Up or Shut Up Brown Ale, and just bottled my BelBoh Ale which is not even ready to drink!  But now that the wort chiller that Kathy got me for my birthday has come in the mail, I am dying to try it out!

The motivation behind any brewing process or ingredient is flavor (or sometimes aroma, or being pleasing to the eye, but mainly flavor).  In The Complete Joy of Home Brewing 3rd Edition, it states:  "After the hot wort has been put into your fermenter, you may have to wait many hours, perhaps overnight, before the wort drops to temperatures suitable for pitching yeast.  Be forewarned that this procedure can result in beers that have a flavor character reminiscent of sweet corn (really dimethyl-sulfide).  It is best to chill as quickly as possible." (Papazian, 2003).

The wort chiller sends a flow of cold water (contained within this copper slinky) spiraling through your 212°F wort which will cool it down below 78°F--the proper temperature for pitching yeast.  This can be done in 15 to 30 minutes now!  I'm ready to brew again!

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