Tuesday, October 06, 2009


This past weekend was a daddy weekend. My friend Kathy was down, and the kids had a friend, Emily, over to stay the night Friday night too. I fixed hamburgers and we rented Monsters vs. Aliens. Saturday we worked on cleaning rooms and we put Logan's bunks together leaving out the front peice to form a loft. There were some wierd guys having a yard sale at the apartment complex (which is not allowed) and they had an old dresser that they sold me for only $10...delivered! Kat and I cleaned it up and now I am not living totally out of clothes hampers! When we moved from a 2br to a 3br, the kids each needed a dresser, so I ended up without one... Sunday we played around cards (Skip-bo), worked on the apartment some more, and watched TV...this TV movie called Earthsea. Since the kids were out of school yesterday (Monday) I was able to get the day off. We played cards again, went to the park, then did a little mandatory supper-shopping. Bag-o-salad to go with pasta, and extra fresh mushrooms. I was playing a variation of soccer with Logan and stubbed my crocs on the kitchen floor. Hurts like hell when I bend my toe, and it swelled to about 1.5 times normal size. We watched Heroes last night after supper, then a movie called Bride Wars. I'm getting out of Netflix...we're spending too much time in front of the TV.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW. That's a LOT of TV! Hope your toe survives. You might want to try one of those "cheesies" you give the dog.....and send me one.