Thursday, July 30, 2009

My middle-schooler

I took Lexie in to register for Middle School today.  Registration went well.  They didn't get her a team, schedule, locker or supplies list yet.  I have to go back for Orientation on Monday (11-3) to do all that. But...super good news...  The lady said she will get Lex signed up for all the magnet program classes even tho she was not accepted into the enviromental & life sciences program.  They might also be able to work her in!
They were VERY organized for registration and during the 7 step process you got to see a lot of the school.  It's Middle and Senior.  Middle is one huge long hall...both floors, and high is the other long hall.  I guess all the gym, lunchroom, etc is in the middle.  I want to see a map!
I think Lexie liked it, but they asked her if she was nervous and she admitted "a little..."

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