Friday, July 31, 2009

Weight - Not what I had hoped for...

Well, another week using the protein powder mix at lunch.  Might be a good idea for maintainence, but it's just not getting the job done.  I'm going back to strict Paleo diet.  Huntable meat, gatherable vegetables, berries, and nuts.
I'm not sick of this way of eating, though I did cheat this week. 
  1. This past weekend, I went to the movies with my friend Patrick and our kids.  I had popcorn. 
  2. Same night, I went to dinner with Patrick and the kids and had pizza.
  3. On Tuesday night I had a couple beers, got munchy and ate a small bag of chips.  Ok, and also a snack cake!!!  Damnit!
  4. Yesterday the temp agency for the office (Accountemps) brought ice cream.  I was doing ok until I saw it was Graeter's.  I minimized damage by having a small scoop in a bowl...
That's been pretty-much it.  Other than that, I have stuck to the diet, but drinking the protein mix with milk one meal a day.  So I'm ditching the protein powder as a bad idea.  Man that is the suck because it was so quick and easy...  *sigh*

Thursday, July 30, 2009

My middle-schooler

I took Lexie in to register for Middle School today.  Registration went well.  They didn't get her a team, schedule, locker or supplies list yet.  I have to go back for Orientation on Monday (11-3) to do all that. But...super good news...  The lady said she will get Lex signed up for all the magnet program classes even tho she was not accepted into the enviromental & life sciences program.  They might also be able to work her in!
They were VERY organized for registration and during the 7 step process you got to see a lot of the school.  It's Middle and Senior.  Middle is one huge long hall...both floors, and high is the other long hall.  I guess all the gym, lunchroom, etc is in the middle.  I want to see a map!
I think Lexie liked it, but they asked her if she was nervous and she admitted "a little..."

Best friends

You can certainly tell who, in the entire household, has the best empathy with that d*mn dog!  Lex is the only person he likes to get close to.  Everyone else he will let them pet him, or play, but he will not lay down beside them.  Stupid dog.  He was supposed to be MY companion too for when the kids are with their mom.   *grumble*.

Saturday 7/25 - Patrick Visits!

My old friend Patrick was in town and had his boys with him!!  We went see X-men Origins: Wolverine with them.  The last time we did a movie it was when the new Superman movie came out.  I personally like Marvel much better than DC...  After the movie we struggled to find something to do.  Louisville has a lot of nice city parks, but it had rained earlier and there would be mud everywhere.  The kids were like "we don't care!"  We decided to go to the indoor playground at the mall and walk around a bit.  Oxmoor has a small boat-themed playground that is a good way to let them burn off energy when it is rainy outside.  Patrick and I talked about different things and had some guy-time amongst the running around of the kids.  I'm sure some shopkeepers were hating us, but I didn't get anybody ask me to "please keep these kids under control" or anything.  They pretty-much know how to behave...with or without me standing right next to them.  After the mall, we went to a little pizzeria over in the shopping center on Linn Station road.  We ate supper then split up because he needed to get back to Frankfort and it looked like one hellofa storm coming...lots of lightning!
It was very nice to see my friend!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Some days it works out...

I usually pack two snacks for my workday.  Something to munch at 10:30 or 11am, then something else for 3pm.  I had celery, carrots and other stuff at home, but forgot!!  Today it worked out that they had a leftover fruit tray and a leftover veggie tray!  The veggies and dip are good, and I'm not blowing my diet!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Weight Loss/Paleo Update

Recap:  Well, it is time to quit slacking off as far as my weight loss is concerned.  I had gastric bypass surgery quite a while back and I have coasted from almost 500 lbs. down to 335# or so.  It saved my life, but I'm not yet where I should be.  Have I dieted before?  Yep.  And the weight always came back eventually with the least little slip.  The weight came back quickly, and with a vengeance.  This time I feel like dieting may not be a 'band-aid" because I have a much easier time holding at a spot.  I was down to about 335 a year ago and I got up to (as you can see from the picture) almost 350.  Fifteen pounds is not a lot, but considering where it will lead me and the great pains I've taken to get here, you can be for damned sure I'm not letting this get out of control.
I had one bad holiday week, for no other reason than that possibly my mutant Neanderthal ancestors discovered fermentation a little early.  So no more beer for a while for me.  Even light beer has carbs.  I may still have an occasional, but my physiology cannot take much liquid bread at this point.  I am also going to try the protein drink lunch thing for a while.  Here's what I have noted this week (week one of protein drink lunch--I just cannot bring myself to refer to it as a protein shake for some reason).  I drink my lunch at the same time.  I pack some fatty snacks (olives, a few cubes of cheese, nuts...whatever) so that I don't get hungry.  The mix with milk is 250 calories.  That's gotta be an improvement over stuff that I would be eating (meat, cheese, eggs, vegetables).  The odd thing is...about 3pm or so I get hungry again.  This is the same as if I had eaten a regular paleo-style lunch.  So I am guessing this will work.  My big deal is not getting too hungry in between meals.  I have also added back in a little coffee, but I drink a liter of water between cups.  I just have to realize that anything which is not paleo (i.e. sweetener, caffiene, sometimes too much fruit) will make me crave something else to eat.  I generally put this fire out with a liter of water.  I have never liked water, but I have come to embrace it anyway.  A theory I now share with others is that if you are feeling hungry, that sometimes that is really mild dehydration.  If I feel a little hunger (not like pain or stomach grumbling which I know is real hunger) then I down a liter of water.  If it goes away then problem solved.  If not (and it's inbetween meals) I grab a paleo snack.  If it's meal time--I just deal with it until I get something fixed.
So in a month I've lost a total of six lbs.  Realistically if I had not backslid that week it could have been 9+ pounds.  I will try harder.  I'm still about being as comfortable as possible with the least amount of sacrifice to get this job done.  Right now I'm just feeling out where that is.