Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Politics and the 7 year old

Last night we were all set for TV night.  It's the one night a week where we faithfully sit in front of the TV to watch our favorite show "Heroes".  But instead, there was Senator McCain telling us that we would not be watching Heroes tonight, but instead, Saturday Night Live.  We watched a bit of it until it started getting a little more adult in theme...I know, it's 9pm...  So we shut it off.  Well this morning Logan askes me "Daddy, what if Obama gets elected and then he kicks out all the white people because of what they did to his ancestors?"
Hmmm....so many ways to answer that.  But I wanted to give him useful information and not bullshit like I usually would some adult who asked me that question.  I told him that the president is only PART of the United States government and that he couldn't do that.  I also explained that even if he could, he would not, because that would make a whole lot of people mad, and what a first-term president wants more than anything in the world is a 2nd term.  I told him if the president makes enough people mad, he can get kicked out himself.  Or at the very least, he won't be re-elected in 4 years.
So if Obama kicks me out because I'm white, then I'm gonna feel really stupid.

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