Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Living on the edge~texting in traffic

When a thought strikes me and I have to get it down, I do it even if I'm in traffic. That's bad, I know... I spoke to Tmo today about the little problems I've been having with this phone. The digitizer goes out of alignment, I get freezes sometimes, and I have synched and lost some data which it didn't pick up for some reason. I told them I'd done some research and that if I could install WM6.0 that it was supposedly much more stable than 5.0. She said the Tmo Dash has 6.0 upgrade availability but there is nothing for my MDA. She said she could swap out my MDA for a Dash for free. I was like 'ok'. So they are sending it. The two big differences for me is :the Dash can only view MS Office dox & sheets. There is optional software you can get for under $29 that allows you to edit, so I can live with that. The other biggie (which will take mucho adjusting) is that it does not support touch screen input. I'm used to pecking with a stylus since my old Palm M100 days. This will be hard... Also, the Dash has a micro SD card slot instead of a mini...so my 1GB card will not work. I guess I can just sell the mini... This gal I know says her friend has a Dash and loves it. I'm going to try it for a while and if I don't like it I will go back to the MDA.

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