Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Cindy & Work

Cindy (what the kids named the Alero) seems to be doing a little better. *knocks on wood* She is badly in need of brakes which I may try to do something about this weekend. Maybe... Anybody know how to replace pads?? The IT guy here at work said that instead of the company paying for my internet through Insight, they might just give me a wireless card for my laptop. That could be neat. I could check email and do my work literally anywhere cell service is available. Its supposed to be somewhat slower, but I don't care. I'm not usually loading anything more than pictures of the kids. I had a minor fiasco today at work. I had the backup info on the situation and presented it to my boss who went 2 rungs up the ladder and supported me to his boss and his bosses' boss. That was good. Its easy to be here because everybody is (with a few *cough* exceptions *sales*) great to work with and nobody gives you any sh*t if you do the right thing to take care of the customer. I did a little tech support/training today for my girlfriend's boss. Her name is Sandy and she's always been nice to me. Occasionally someone at their office will ask me for help on Excel, Outlook or some other Windows issue. I'm always happy to help because it gives me the chance to help somebody who appreciates it. Also, sometimes its something I don't know and then I have a reason to learn something new! I need to start bringing something to drink here to work. Today I was so thirsty I couldn't eat my lunch. That seemed weird, but after about 1/2 a soda, I felt much better...

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