Thursday, May 17, 2007

Double date with Joy and Ian

Theresia and I went out last Friday night with Joy and Ian. They are like ex-step-siblings. My ex-father-in-law, Joe is honestly one of the world's really Good People. He's a retired fire fighter. He divorced my ex wife's mother and remarried a great woman named Dana who worships the ground he walks on. They are completely in love and its really cool to see. Anyway, Joy is Dana's daughter. So we are not really related but she and Ian are really nice, and like me and Theresia, they like camping and horror movies! We have not gotten to spend much time with them, but I want to change that. You have to surround yourself with quality people in your life. That's why I value Theresia over anybody else in my life...well, besides the kids. Joy, Ian, Theresia and I met and had supper at McCallister's. T and I split a Pot Roast Potato and she had soup. I had a ceasar salad. After that we all went to Showcase Stonybrook to see 28 Weeks Later. It was really good-very tense with lots of action! We are going to try and go out once a month or so with Joy and Ian. We might even go camping with them. They know some good places in Indiana. This picture is Theresia in front of the Fantastic 4-2 movie display! That movie looks awesome too!

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