Friday, January 12, 2007

Young Rembrandts

I am going to do my best to sign Logan up for the Young Rembrandts Winter Drawing classes. I have to have the money by the 25th, so it's going to be a stretch, but I told him we would try as part of his birthday present. He is already showing signs of being very talented with drawing, painting, stuff like that. This actually came home in Lexie's folder, but she didn't want to do it. She was VERY excited for him though! I had been hoping to see some of their mother's child support to help out with stuff like this. It's only $30 per week (I think that's about the minimum) and although I never wanted it and did not count on it, it would be nice to have that small amount to do extra things for the kids. My lawyer Chuck looked into it, and he just found out that although the court ordered her to start paying child support every Friday starting on November 15th of last year, she's never paid any of it. That's ok for me because I don't need it, but I do feel like its her obligation to her children. I know if she had gotten custody, the thought of getting out of child support would have never crossed my mind, once it was set by the court.

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