The family. We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together. ~Erma Bombeck
Monday, October 30, 2006
My relatives up North
The kids were just about perfect. They were quiet, and brought me tissues when I was crying and hugged onto me. They really are wonderful kids. They did really well on the way up except for when we got to the funeral home and had to get right back in the car to go to Fort Wayne. Logan started crying and I had to explain what they were doing and why and he was ok with it then. Not happy, but that's completely understandable. He was just frustrated because he understood that we were "there" and he didn't get to get out and stop riding around in the car. He was tired of being cooped up. He's an angel for 5 years old. Lexie was pretty good. They also did really well in church that morning. They almost always do. I need to do something special with them for all the good behavior yesterday.
My brother Don

Sunday, October 29, 2006
Because money is tight, the kids need clothes and holidays are coming, I thought I would try donating plasma. There were a bunch of thugs in the waiting room, it took 4 hrs, and then they basically vein-raped me and told me i have to wait 8 weeks.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
An American Haunting
Thesesia and I watched this movie tonight and it was one of the better thriller-horror movies I have seen recently. I would say that I should have seen it in the theater. Definately worth watching this Halloween season. Sutherland is worth watching.
Excel 2003 Level 2 Intermediate Training


Dire Straits
"Dr. Parkinson declared, "I'm not surprised to see you here. You've got smoker's cough from smoking, brewer's croup from drinking beer. I don't know how you've come to get that Bette Davis wheeze, but worst of all young man, you've got industrial disease!"
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
New haircut
Today I decided to give myself a new haircut. I was looking for something easy, plus I wanted to do this for a halloween costume. Also, I'm trying to save money on expensive shampoos and conditioners. Ok really it was a grooming accident this morn...
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Halloween Party
POS dryer
Well, I decided to try and save some time again by going to the apartment's laundry room. I am never coming back here again! The washers are always setting with wet clothes in them. Half the damn dryers set with dry clothes. The other half either don't spin or don't heat! Of course, you still have to put your money into the bloody thing to find out! Now I'm tired, feet hurt, and its 6pm. Just time to put the clothes up, fix supper, and go to bed. I wanted to go visit either my sister Patti, or Joe and Dana, but I guess we're not doing THAT! *grumble*
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Bardstown Boofest
Friday, October 20, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
The geek in me
Well, I just got three new players for my game. That makes a total of eleven. This is played by e-mail and requires everyone to "post" one message every day. Well, I have a couple of folks who are not posting at all, nor responding to any of my e-mails, so I'm going to have to cut them at the end of this "chapter" so I can get rid of the dead wood. Hopefully the three new people will take up that slack.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Costume for Work/Money/This Weekend
Kimmy and William

This is a picture of the kids cousin Kimmy. She sent me an e-mail wishing me a happy birthday and to tell me she got married on July 14th and moved to New York with her new husband William who is in the Army.
I hope they treat each other always with love and respect, and always try to put the other's needs and wants first.
I am going to ask her for her address so that the kids can write letters to her. They need to write more and I want to give them reasons to write.
Chrysler Sebring Convertibles
I have come to the conclusion that 99% of the Sebrings are convertibles. Does anybody know why the hell this is?
Lexie's Printing

Sunday, October 15, 2006
I'm blogging from Heine Bros.
Weekend with T/Booksale/Coffee
Friday, October 13, 2006
My Chucks
I got these quite a while back on clearance sale at Shoe Carnival. I love my Chucks. They just scream Rock & Roll to me. I got 4 pairs of shoes since i lost weight. Also Adidas, Crocs, and boots. Plus one pair of brown dress shoes for work. I am set!
My Jealous Girlfriend
Ok, this is in the same vein...I just got a card from her--here at work. Why didn't she send it home? That's so everyone (all the girls I work with) will see it and ask about it. She's staking her claim again. Flattering me, but still sometimes I think she's nuts. Not necessarily in a bad way. The only thing that bothers me is the underlying lack of trust. I will show it to all the girls though. Even though it's a little personal, they will think it is so sweet. I do too, of course.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Butterick - B4574 - MEN'S COSTUME - 4574
Baked Beans
Parent/Teacher Conference with Ms. Caswell/Pants
Now if I could just find her and Logan more pants for winter. She went to school today in shorts and a polo shirt and the two of them were shivering when the bus came (it got to them late today--they said they have a new driver). I am working on compiling a list of consignment, thrift, and discount stores, but these two are so hard to fit. Cooler weather is here RIGHT NOW and Lex only has two pair of pants she can wear to school. Logan only has 3. I know I can just have them wearing the same pants every day of the week, but that really goes against my grain. Not to mention that I need to get them some non-school cooler weather clothes... If anybody has any information on where to find clothes discounted or otherwise cheap, please let me know. I have not seen anything from the child support office yet and I was kind of wanting that to use for clothing because we run a pretty close budget. I guess I could have told them "no" about camping, but when that's the only vacation they're getting this year, I hated to do that.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Foul Mood
My Hands
Ms. Pass gave me this that Logan made. She waited to hand it to me during conference because she didn't want it messed up. It is definately keepsake material.
Reading & Writing Tips
Logan's teacher had tips handouts for parents. I think they would apply to Lexie also because she is having a challenge with her writing. Some of the things we can do:
1. Read to them so they get the idea that reading is a neat thing to do.
2. Reread books if they want it so they can feel like they are "reading".
3. Let them see me read so they understand that we do what we think is important.
4. Talk about ideas that I write so that communication skills are linked.
5. Encourage them to write. Put a chalkboard in their room and encourage them to write messages.
6. Encourage storytelling (they do quite a bit of this).
7. Keep reading and writing materials around (I always do this)
8. Get them library cards (I have one for Lexie and he was sharing that but I'm getting Logan his own.)
9. Monitor how much time the -family- spends in front of the TV.
10. Praise their efforts in writing and emphasize successes instead of criticizing mistakes.
11. Provide a suitable place for them to write.
12. Give him gifts associated with writing--pens pencils, paper, stationary, stamps, etc.
13. Encourage them to write away for information, free samples, travel brochures, etc.
14. Be alert for times when they can be involved in writing because writing for real purposes is rewarding.
Logan's Parent/Teacher Conference
The teacher, Ms. Pass, says Logan is doing very well. At first he had trouble getting very upset when there was something he couldn't do. She said that might be because there are a lot of things that he does very well. When she asked him to read a book, his face turned red and he started to cry. Also he was getting the same way because he didn't make it into the ABC Club. That was only the first several weeks. She said now he does a lot better and she knows not to push him hard-or at least knows when to stop pushing him. It is her job to push as much as possible, but without making it a bad experience. She just praises him for trying and moves on quickly to something else. He accepts challenges a lot better now. She said his oral vocabulary is exceptional... but we already knew this, didn't we?
He needs to be reading and writing every day. She says he should be able to read these types of books: Margaret Hilliard, Biscuit books, and the books labeled: I Can Read, Early Reader, and Level One. She said to work on counting to 100, we can use dimes to help him count to 100 by tens. That way he can count past 29, because he knows 30 comes after 20, and then is 40, 50, 60, etc.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
This is a picture of my girlfriend. She woke me up in the middle of the night because she was scared the kids were going to get eaten by wolves. Sure enough, you could hear howling, but it was just coyotes, and they were far off in the distance...
At the lake
Here's the kids at the lake. We walked down to the lake, ate our picnic lunch, then around the lake and back up.
The Death March
So, we went on this 'moderate' hike. It was like .75 miles down to a small lake, then .5 miles around the lake, then back the way you came. Not too bad until you find out the trip down was 80 percent stairs! And the Nuts of Doom the whole way!!!
Camping at Brown County State Park
My legs are killing me from hiking. Other that that, it was all a hellofalotta fun! We heard coyotes howling Sunday night. T got freaked out and woke me up at like 3am. She was afraid they were going to eat the kids. She wouldn't let us dump any food leavings anywhere near the camp site because she was afraid of animals! The only thing we REALLY had to fear was the huge walnuts falling all over the place. You'd hear them plummeting from the tops of the trees, ripping through leaves and branches on the way down and then --WHAM-- right beside you it hits the ground and scares the crap out of you. The damn things were as big as tennis balls and heavy as hell! I just knew I was going to end up with a smashed windshield, or one of us would get a concussion!!! We went to Nashville, Indiana and poked around. Went to the Brown County Winery and bought some wine to take home. All in all it was really good, but I am so tired right now I could go back home and sleep for the rest of the day. The kids are with their mom because school is out today and she has visitation on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I gotta drag my ass to do laundry after work so we will have clothes to wear this week.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Monday, October 02, 2006
Theresia and I went to the Celtic Festival in Eminence Kentucky this weekend. That was pretty cool. She got me a handcrafted Irish cap. I love it and I'll be wearing it a lot. It was an early birthday present. We ate lunch there and she got Shepherd's pie and I got Haggis and mash. They were both served in bread bowls. I thought they were both good, but she refused to eat more than a bite of the haggis. She was worried about the type of meat it had in it. I think traditionally it's like sheep's stomach stuffed with other guts and organs, but in this case, I'm pretty sure it was just ground beef. Regardless, I liked the flavor. I got a necklace for her... nothing really expensive, but she really liked it. It was an oak leaf made of fired ceramic on a leather thong. We did that, then later we went back to her house, I did some laundry, and we went to dinner at Joe's OK Bayou Cajun restaurant. We took her granddaughter Kendall, and she behaved really well. After that we went back to my apartment and watched a horror movie that really sucked. I saw the preview when we watched another movie and it looked good, but I'm telling you, don't waste your time with "Room 6". There's another that looked goofy but I thought it would be cool because it looked like a mix between horror and sci-fi, but it was stupid also. It was called "Candy Stripers". I know what you are thinking. You are right. Ex-Playboy Playmates cannot act. It's true. I've been looking for some good horror for this season. I usually watch a lot of horror, but I really want something good to watch with Theresia during the month of October.
Please, if anybody has any ideas, LET ME KNOW! It doesn't have to be anything in the newest releases. It just has to be scary! Preferably something I haven't seen yet... We've watched Silent Hill. I thought that was good, but not so scary. That's the last halfway decent scary flick I've seen. We also saw the remake of The Hills Have Eyes. Hostel was more shocking than scary. I need some really good sleepers. I don't mind watching movies that were in the theater's a week or less, but just as long as they are frightening.
Early birthday present
Theresia got me this wool cap at the Celtic Fest on Saturday. It comes from Donegal Town, Ireland. I really like it!
Little house
This is the little fixer upper that T and I going to buy... Not! She really just likes the looks of it because it has so much character.
Theresia at Celtic Fest
This tree looked so neat. It was bent to the side and looked like it was just growing that way! Also Theresia looked really cute so I wanted to get her picture.