Friday, November 04, 2005

Weekend shaping up...manual choke.

Tomorrow morning, Lexie has a trip with her Brownie Scouts Troop. They are going to an art festival from 8am until 2pm. I have been trying to think of something fun to do with Logan so that he doesn’t feel left out. There will be plenty of opportunities for them to learn the lesson “life isn’t always fair”, so I try to make things fair whenever possible. Judy is running pretty good, but idles a little high. I think I need to put in that manual choke lever. The only trick will be drilling through the firewall of the car to get it inside where I can mount the push/pull knob. That reminds me…I have to go take back the OLD carburetor to Auto Zone so I can get my core fee back. I can use part of that to get the manual choke!!! I’ll do that at lunch today.

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