Monday, November 21, 2005

My Surgeon Dr. Gaar, Chuck, Weekend

My surgeon Dr. Gaar is leaving his practice to go full time at the VA hospital. While a noble endeavor, it leaves me in a predicament! He's been fantastic, really...and I don't want to change doctors! I'll try to get Allen if I can, but I really liked Dr. Gaar.

My good friend and lawyer Chuck was in town teaching this weekend. I didn't get to spend a WHOLE lot of time with him, but it was nice to see him, and it help him out financially not to have to spend what little he makes teaching on hotel and food.

This weekend I had the kids. Lexie went on a hike with Girlscouts, so Logan and I hung out. We got some gloves for them both at the store where everything is a dollar, and a few books at the Goodwill. I always like to get them a couple books when I can. Anything I can do to encourage them to read... We had a picnic lunch of bologna & cheese on crackers with skim milk to drink, then we went to the library where we read that awesome book "The Enormous Potato"!!!

We went over to Theresia's Sunday and they played with Rachael. We took Bailey (Theresia's dog) to Feeders Pet supply and gave her a bath. That was kinda cool because I'd never done it. Then we went back to her house for supper. I made a huge pot of my mother's vegetable soup. Actually I got the recipe from my sister and it didn't have measurements on the ingredients. By the time I got everything looking how it should, I had two huge kettles full of veg soup! Chuck and I, ate it Friday night while the kids were out to dinner and a movie with their Pawpaw and Granny Dana. I didn't make the kids have the vegetable soup Saturday because I called Theresia already knowing I had way too much and she said I could come over Sunday and her family would help us eat it. Everybody liked it quite a bit. I'm going to make another pot before the end of winter. Theresia and I, her oldest daughter and her boyfriend (and part-time Lexie, Logan and Rachael) watched Star Wars Episode I...well, most of it. Theresia's never seen I, II, or III. I am dying to get IV, V, and VI on DVD. One day I will.

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