Monday, August 23, 2010

Lexie made me very proud

My daughter is pretty amazing. Today she was crying before school and she told me it was because she did something really bad. Then she said "well, really it is because I told on somebody who was doing something really bad." Lexie has a little friend at school who told their little clique Friday that she smokes pot. She admitted that she wants to quit and has quit for 3-5 days before and then starts smoking again. All the other friends laughed about it and that made Lexie furious. Here was this girl who was trying to quit doing drugs and couldn't--and all her friends just laughed and made fun of her. I told Lexie that I was very proud of her for being a good friend and that she had absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. I told her that the kids who didn't try to help their friend out of a dangersous situation were really not much for friends. I told her many real friends might just stay her friend and keep quiet or encourage her to quit, but not do anything else. Lexie was the kind of friend who cares enough to make sure her parents know so they can get her some help...even if it means that her friend will be mad at her. Lexie told the teacher on Friday. Since she was the only one who made a big deal about it, she is sure the girl will know it was her. I told Lexie that good friends get mad at each other sometimes. If they are true friends, they will forgive and forget. If they stay mad, chances are they are not they type of person you want as a friend, or even in your life. I do not know if I would have made the same decision. I'm glad Lex did the right thing. She didn't even do it because it was the right thing. She did it because she was concerned for her friend and she looked around and saw that she was the only one. This is her first real social test of peer pressure and growing up. I am always proud of Lexie, but I'm not sure I have ever been more proud of her than today.


Patti said...

I know that was a hard thing to do, Lexie. And you've taken a chance that this girl will be furious with you. But, if not now, she will realize soon enough how much you had to care about her to tell her parents about the situation. I'm so proud of you, Lexie, and love you very much!
Aunt Patti

Anonymous said...

Wow! It takes a very brave and strong individual to do the right thing especially at this age when peer influence is so powerful! Right on Lexie! Rachael is really impressed and we both are so proud of you!