Monday, September 07, 2009

Plumbing SNAFU #173

I went in to take a shower, and there was this nasty mess in my tub. Kat took a shower at like 10am, so it was after then, but before 2pm. Anyway, I called emergency maintenence for Derby Run Apartments and they came in and fixed the clog, but said it was still leaking to the apartment downstairs, so I could not use the kitchen sink, or the dish washer. I had been doing a load of clothes with my little Haier clothes washer and wanted to finish. The maintenence guy said it would be ok to use the bathroom, so I just put the stoppers in the kitchen sink and put the water into an empty wastebasket, dumping it into my tub. They guy from downstairs came up and said it was flooding them downstairs! Still!!

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