Tuesday, May 12, 2009


The kids and I were watching a bit of TV this weekend and saw an informercial.  They get worked up by infomercials....  It was for this food prep device thing.  I forget what it's called, but originally it was to make omlettes with, but now the lady who (I guess) invented it has it making everything from grilled steaks to little mini cinnamon buns.  Anyway, one of the extra farkles you can buy for it is a little pan that has little cups...like muffin cups or something.  This is what she used to make the cinnamon buns.  Anyway, instead of the pre-made cinnamon buns she pours in some cornbread batter and pushes a little peice of smoky sausage down into it and lets it cook.  She says her grandkids love these for breakfast because they can eat them with their fingers.
I thought that was pretty cool....
So last night I made a large pan of cornbread (it goes with the beans I made this weekend) and took a pkg of hotdogs and cut them all in half.  I pushed the dogs down into the batter and cooked the cornbread as instructed on the package (I used a double batch of Jiffy corn muffin mix but made it in a 9X13 pan instead of the 8" pan that it says, but I'd bet you could do it with muffin cups or the 8" too.
Anyway, it was not only edible, but a little novel and the kids thought it was cool.
Oh, and screw those three easy payments of $19.99 plus shipping and handling!!!

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