Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Great Weekend

Its rare that I will have a really super weekend when I don't have the kids, but this one was an exception. I rode with my scooter group, got to see my girlfriend, and we saw the new Indiana Jones movie, which was pretty good. We also went to this Mediterranean restaurant called The Grape Leaf down on Frankfort, and it was really good, and not too expensive. I'm still in the process of getting Splott housebroken...we're up to about 60/40 right now. Fortunately I got this killer cleaning spray at Feeders that makes taking care of urine pretty easy. He's crated during the day if I'm not here, then stays out at night. He likes to try and sleep in the middle of my bed, and I'm breaking him of that too. He beds down in the middle of the blankets, so I think he might need a cushy dog bed to make him comfortable and secure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You didn't mention that seeing us was another thing that made your weekend groovy man! kewl to the nth degree dude!! Ride that scooter!!!