Monday, March 24, 2008

Lazer [Blade] Blaze

One thing I forgot about Lazer Blaze...we played two games, then took
a diet coke break. After that we played one more game. The last
game, I got really freaked out! They play odd techno music while the
game is going on. Well, here I am, it's all dark and there is smog
and lights, etc. Then the music from the movie Blade starts playing!
It's in the scene where the vampire lady takes the guy to this secret
party and the dj has that music playing. After a couple minutes, the
sprinkler system turns on like there is a fire, but instead--blood is
pumping out of the sprinklers!!! It really freaked me out--if
somebody would have come up behind me at that point, I would
definately have jumped!!!

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