Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ravaged by Murphy's Law...still

I have had a continuous stream of bad crap going on. This morning I had a trimming accident. The resulting 'style' was the only fix. Needless to say I am thrilled that it is so cold and nasty out right now. Hopefully I will get frostbite damage to my scalp and never have to worry about trimming accidents again. That would be so cool. I had to get on the kids this morning about not picking up after themselves. I haven't even unpacked everything yet and they can't keep up. Lexie just left her towel laying on they floor in her room, and Logan left his toy Harry Potter wand in the hall floor.

1 comment:

Patti said... will get better baby bro! It always does, ya know. I love the Erma Bombeck quote. So appropriate for your site and your life.

All my love, always,