Friday, June 08, 2007

Work-Office & Travel

The place where I have worked for a year and a half is making some changes. They basically did away with the whole department I was in except for me, and one temp. About 3 weeks ago right before vacation, my boss had accounting cut me a check to cover the costs of getting an expedited passport. He wants me to come to Monterey Mexico and meet all the people I have been working with via email and phone. On Monday he also told me I could have the old Customer Service Manager's office which is now vacant. Well, apparently somebody with more seniority has dibs on it but there are a couple other options to move me from the cubicle into an office. I might move upstairs to the nice corner office, and my temp would take the cubicle right outside the door. That is the current plan anyway. Now I just have to find someone to watch the kids on the days I am out of town.

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