Thursday, July 20, 2006

Back again

Well I did it again. I'm back to square one with my protruding disk
problem. I have been getting no rest sitting up in a chair to sleep, so
I decided to try (since my back was feeling so much better) lying down
in bed. I slept for an hour or so, and then got up and it seemed ok, so
I decided to try it. When I got up this morning, it was like I had never
been to the doctor, had any treatments, and like I just hurt my back. I
am so upset. So do I give up sleep and a bed for the rest of my life?

I did not risk my life (literally) having gastric bypass and losing
almost 200 lbs to go back to having limited mobility. My children
deserve better than this. I have never been in perfect health, but
until now, I've felt so much better than I have in the past 25 years.
No matter what it takes, I'm going to get back to where I was a month
ago. I go to the doctor tomorrow at 1pm for a test, and then I will get
a referral to a neurosurgeon. I'm still looking at actual surgery as a
last option. I have had enough of that to last a life time. God help
me if it comes to that. I know I'll do it if nothing else helps.

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