Thursday, February 16, 2006

More Crazy Roommate Crap

I had to be my kid's prescriptions filled yesterday. They went to the doctor and one has cough, the other has ear infection. I had to drop them off to their mother over in Indiana, so when I was done with that, I went over to visit with Joe and Dana.

Later, Theresia gave me a call, and we met at my apartment and settled in for the evening. She has trouble with insomnia sometimes. We fell asleep watching The Skeleton Key, and then when she woke up about 2:30 this morning, we finished watching it. I thought it was really good. Freaky, but good.

When I went to go to the bathroom this morning, my bathroom door was locked and shut. I don't have a key and I was sitting there with a coat hanger for about 15 minutes. After that, I went to flush, and it wouldn't flush. I looked at it this morning and there was no water in the tank. I half suspect that the crazy room mate did these things.

Also, Theresia was looking in my closet and she says "Oh my God!" She got me this huge bottle of expensive vodka for Christmas. It's almost gone. I've had like two drinks made out of it. The room mate has been getting in my room and drinking it. That's about $50 worth of booze. And not so much as a please or thank you. Never even asked.

I'm starting to get worried about the kids and my personal effects being within her reach while I am not there.

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