Thursday, December 01, 2005

Jay, the Christmas Tree

The kids and I went to the storage place on Tuesday. We dug around and dug around until we finally found Jay, our artificial Christmas Tree. When we got the tree two years ago at Walgreen's. They only had sample trees in the aisle, and all the boxed trees were in the back storage. Lexie was with me, so I let her hand the order tag to the cashier. When she did, the lady used the PA system to tell the stockers "Please bring the Christmas tree J to the front counter". I looked at Lexie and told her that they all had names, and that we got the one named Jay. I knew she knew better, but she went along with it, and our tree has had a name ever since.

We're going to have my girlfriend Theresia and her little girl over for supper on Saturday and put the tree up!!! I couldn't find our ornaments, so the kids and I went to the Dollar Tree and picked out a few things. We got lights at Wal-Mart for $1.88!!! I'm grilling stuffed chops, and I might try and get a movie ready for the kids to watch.

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