Monday, May 15, 2017

Yuneec Breeze Update: Ball in My Court

Last week (on 5/5/17) I sent another email to Yuneec.  It was a reply.  Simply:

"Hello, any help on this issue?"

Because I felt like I'd been forgotten.   Later that day, they replied:

Update for Case XXXXX - "Fwd: Case # XXXXX Created: Breeze disconnected and crashed"


Thank you for contacting Yuneec! Please follow these listed instructions in order to retrieve the telemetry from your iOS device so we can analyze your last flight:
  • Power on your iOS device and connect it to your computer using your lightning cable and open iTunes.
  • Select your iOS device from the connected devices panel in iTunes and click on the Apps category.
  • Scroll down until you find the "File Sharing" heading
  • Click and drag the "Flight Logs" folder to your desktop
  • Create a ZIP File from the copied Flight Logs folder and reply to this email with the ZIP File attached. For assistance with creating a ZIP File, please see the following link: Making a ZIP File.
If you need any additional assistance, please don't hesitate to contact again.
Technical Support | Yuneec USA Inc.
5555 Ontario Mills Parkway
Ontario, CA 91764
Toll-Free: 844-898-6332

I'm a little concerned...this email doesn't end with

Thank you for being a part of our Yuneec family.

Have a Yuneec day!

as their previous emails.  Maybe they are mad at me?

Rocketbook Everlast Review

I was a previous backer of the Rocketbook Wave.  When I saw the KS for the Rocketbook Everlast, I scanned the page, glanced at the video, and thought to myself  "Cool, they've improved the cover for the Rocketbook so it doesn't wear as quickly."  I'm a big fan of the Wave and the Waves that I previously owned had a couple issues.  The covers had a tendency to wear after a while--not to affect the functionality, but left me sort of wishing that I had found a cover or something so it didn't look bad.  But then I thought--that probably wouldn't nuke very well...  
Rocketbook Wave--with a little wear on the cover

 The other issue I had was--after several uses, the pen indentions from regular use.  I don't press down super hard, but not overly soft either, hence you could always sort of see the previous notes and drawings--ever so slightly.  Again not really affecting the functionality, but kinda annoying.

Showing some ghosting from previous notes
I just received my Everlast this weekend.  I was very disappointed when I unwrapped it to see that the Rocketbook was significantly thinner and had what seemed to be a third of the sheets that my original Rocketbook had.  I did not really follow this Kickstarter as closely as I should have and I actually began taking notes in it at work today.  There's not a gram of paper in this friggin' thing, is there?  I just went to this page and found that not only is it NOT paper, that the dang thing will erase with water OR mild heat (such as the heat produced by friction from the Frixion pens).  I'm glad I read the KS page before nuking my Everlast!

Well, that answers the question about why so few sheets.  Won't need them!  So far, Rocketbook Wave and especially the Rocketbook Everlast are great products!

Monday, May 08, 2017

My Yuneec Breeze Review--Subject to Change

Several weeks ago (4/22/17) I lost wifi contact with my Breeze. This has happened multiple times previously when I flew it over 150 feet high. Please note the specs say that it will go to 250 feet, and I feel that 150 feet is well within acceptable limits. In the past, I experienced no just came back after hovering for a short time as it is supposed to do. On this particular day, it would not respond so following the instructions in the manual, I pushed the home button (first try) then afterwards the "land here" button. The drone was about 25-30 feet up, and perhaps 10 - 15 feet away. Instead of returning or landing, the Breeze drifted erratically for a few seconds, and then as if I was controlling it, it flew directly into a telephone pole and crashed. The propeller guards did not protect the propellers as was claimed they would do in the description, and the home button also did not work as was claimed. I called Yuneec (U.S. offices) the following Monday. After waiting on the caller count to go from "you are caller number 30" down to 15 or so then back up to 21, I was about ready to hang up when it offered me a callback, which I took. I received a return call about 30 minutes later. The customer service tech personnel asked several questions and was polite enough to listen to me describe the situation with the unit. Afterwards he said he would send me an email with instructions how to use iTunes to download the flight log from my iPhone so I could send it to them. I assumed this would allow them to determine what was wrong. Shortly after that I did get an email that said

"Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting Yuneec USA Inc. Customer Support. This message is to inform you that we have opened a case for you, case number #xxxxx. If you need any further assistance regarding this case, please contact our customer support at (844)-898-6332 and reference this number.
If you are receiving this message in response to your email submitted, a member of our customer care team will respond to your case within 1-3 business days. Our business hours are Mon-Fri 8am-5pm PST. It is our goal to provide exceptional customer service and I hope you received just that. Thank you for being a part of our Yuneec family. Have a Yuneec day! To update this case, please just reply to this email."

For the record, I've flown this drone about 2-3 dozen times (each at one full battery--about 15 minutes) so I know how it performed previous to this incident. I have flown it in various but similar conditions within the scope of reasonable use (i.e. not in the rain or high winds, etc.). I really liked this drone and was careful with it. I had previously flown it closer to its specified limits and it did fine, so when I say that it malfunctioned, or it acted erratically, that's based upon experience from the 30+ times i'd flown it before and how it responded and performed on those previous occasions. Also, I own a iPhone 6s with the latest iOS operating system, the Breeze Cam mobile app is up to date, and I check the firmware each time, so the Breeze firmware is also up to date.

I waited for three days for the instructions and nothing came so I replied to ask about how to download what they asked for. Still no info or contact back from Yuneec. I am 100% willing to update this at a later time if Yuneec responds to me.