Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Lexie's open house

Last night was open house at Green Valley Grade School. Its the same as when I went there! All the teachers are different... Well, there was Mrs. Neeley. She was my Jr High choir teacher. It was delightful to see her again. I played catch-up...

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Facing your fears...

..and weaknesses. I did NOT eat perfectly good, FREE, delicious Krispy Kreme doughnuts. That's not to say it wasn't painful...

Crazy monsoon weather

I had to drive 35mph, which is incidentally the same speed the WIND was going, all the way over to drop the kids off, and THEN back across a bridge with traffic flow like mud--in to work. No traffic in the last month has sucked more ass than this...

Monday, August 29, 2005

Cool new shower curtain

The kids picked out this shower curtain for me a couple weeks ago. Tooth brush holder goes with it, and K-mart has a whole set. I might end up with the whole damn set if the knot heads have anything to say about it...

Lexie in trouble

I got so upset with Lex tonight. She got a little attitude with me because her mother told her she didnt have to work on vocab with me. I went over the words anyway and she was not putting out any effort! I made her write what & word half a pg each.

This coming week...

I finally got my feet broken in to these Florsheims. This week i have the kids tonight and tomorrow night, then again on Sunday and Labor day. I don't know for sure if i'm off work on Monday, but i guess i'll know by Friday! wishing you a good week!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Day at the Kentucky State Fair

Sitting here at the end of the day, I feel tired, but really good. I feel tired because of all the damn walking we did. I had lots of fun with the kids, spent all of my budget, but remained within it. The best part is although I'm tired, I could have taken an hour rest and kept going the rest of the day. I was dragging a little on the way back, but I wasn't devestated. My physical condition is so much better than it was. There is so much more that I can do even just now...I wonder greatly what it will be like when I lose all the weight i'm meant to lose. Not just walking, but so many things are different. Its easier to pick things up off the floor, tie my shoes, walking more, more active with the kids, basically I'm about 50% better regarding ANYTHING physical than I was three or four months ago.

This is the kids at the Army Reserves or Recruiting blow-up thing. They had a good day and so that's mission-accomplished for Daddy. Posted by Picasa

This is that woman's ass. Posted by Picasa

This is the lady who's ass Logan accidentally grabbed while waiting in line. Posted by Picasa

...Logan came down the other end crying that "sissy didn't let me win!" I've tried to get the concept into his brain that if sissy LETS him win, then he really DIDN'T win.... Posted by Picasa

The Army Reserves had a blow-up obstacle course thing. I told the kids the winner gets a dollar. In retrospect... Posted by Picasa

Lexie and Logan had fun playing in the Army hummer. I told the GI that the only thing that didn't make sense was why it was an automatic. Manuals hold up so much better. He tried to make me feel like a dumbass (temporarily succeeded) by saying "How'd you like to be in the middle of a firefight and trying to drive at the same time and shift gears and return fire?" I was really feeling dumb until I thought WTF?!?!? If you're the one driving, you need to make sure you don't run into something and concentrate your ass on driving! Posted by Picasa

Logan got pissed off because he couldn't figure out very well how to make the bumper car work. I kept telling him to push the pedal and turn the wheel, but he wasn't listening to me. He didn't like the bumper car too much. Posted by Picasa

Lexie and Logan today had fun at the Kentucky State Fair. We all three did the funhouse, and then they did the bumpercars. Posted by Picasa

Here's a picture of me last week. I wonder if I look any smaller. Its hard for me to tell. I will try to make new pix soon. Posted by Picasa

This is my sister Patti. She has been the best big sister any guy could ever have. She's so supportive, always there when I need somebody to listen... Posted by Picasa

A mean-looking demeanor from my nephew Bobby. He answered the door this way when I went to see my sister. He was just joking... Posted by Picasa

Logan at Ruby Tuesday's after church last week... Posted by Picasa

This is Lexie at Ruby Tuesday's after church last week. I try to save money through the week so that I can take them out once per week...I guess that's why I eat Michaelina's frozen dinners ($0.99 at Kroger!) for most lunches and dinners when the kids aren't with me. Posted by Picasa

Dusty Vodka Martini I got at Willy's on Baxter. Went with a friend who had a party there...they had "drink tickets"! Posted by Picasa

This is the chick that sold me my new camera phone... See my first picture with my finger in the way!!!! Posted by Picasa
This is the chick that sold me my new camera phone... See my first picture with my finger in the way!!! Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 26, 2005

Seeing the kids, tired, desperation download

This week has been good. I talked with X about seeing the kids.
We've come to an agreement that I can have them every Sunday, Monday
and Tuesday...then add Friday and Saturday every other week. I
finally feel like i'll be getting to see them enough! I thanked X and
just hope she knows how much I meant it.

I've been feeling really tired at the end of the day. I think it not
getting in enough protein. I feel like I'm getting enough sleep on
most nights. Now that I'm living with a roommate who has high-speed
internet I can download stuff again. I hate to but a CD only to find
out the whole thing sucks except for the one song that gets airplay.

But last night I did something out of desperation that I've never done
before--I download a pirate copy of a movie! I don't feel the least
bit guilty because I've seen the movie three times in the theater, and
I'm going to buy the DVD as soon as it is available, but I just
couldn't WAIT! The sound is almost inaudible, and occasionally people
walk in front of the movie screen, but it'll hold me over... If you
haven't seen Wedding Crashers yet, get in there while you still can!

Sunday, August 21, 2005


Friday night I went out with a friend of mine. She had a friend who
won a prize from a radio station. It was free drinks and appetizers
at Willie's bar on Baxter Avenue. They gave a dance floor covered in
plexiglass...beneath is Willie's gator pit. I never saw the damn
thing... I learned the definition of a "dirty" and a "dusty" martini.
They pour a little of the olive juice in the glass... Its ok for a
change, but dirty is too salty. After that, I went to The Golden
Nugget, where my favorite local band was playing: The Big Rock Show.
They do covers off classic rock: Van Halen, ZZ Top, AC/DC, Led
Zepplin, also Stevie Ray Vaughn, Prince, Pink Floyd, Ted Nugent...the
lead guitarist is David Ernspiker. He's a monster on that thing! The
show started at 11, but he blew out his amp on the first song, and
they had to break for an hour. I was talking to some chick who works
for a local radio station WSFR. She seemed nice, and come to find out
she had weight loss surgery also.

Well, then Saturday I slept in a little. I got up, fixed breakfast,
and then tried to log in with the company's laptop so I could take
care of some work. After calling Insight and being on hold (no shit)
for an HOUR, it ended up being the laptop's ethernet card shorting out
and not making connection. I wasn't able to finish all my work.

Middle of the evening my right leg starts hurting really bad...the
first thing I thought was another blood clot! But after some
observation and a Flexeril, and a night's sleep, I think I pulled a
muscle. No swelling, redness, or heat. Think I'll be ok.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Oh my God! I finally found a food i cannot eat! I can no longer claim that i've suffered no ill effects from the gastric bypass surgery... I ate three crackers with sardines (i know you're thinking eeew but i liked them ok BEFORE the surgery). I ate, then no more than five minutes later my mouth won't stop salivating, and i'm running to the men's room. I yarked up everything i had. I probably won't even be able to look at canned fish of any sort for a while... Drunken hurling into a toilet is much nicer. At least you've had fun getting there, and you're too smashed to remember much anyway. Not that i've experienced that any time lately.

This message was sent from a T-Mobile wireless phone.

Damn! I called in to see if i could get the appointment with my surgeon moved to just a little later in the day, and they told me, "Yeah, its been moved alright--to NEXT Tuesday!" Man, that just sucks! I wanted to see exactly how much weight i've lost!

This message was sent from a T-Mobile wireless phone.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Swimming, New Roomie, Laurie, Church

Tonight was amazing.  I spent the day with my new room mate.  We ran errands, looked for pants for me, and then chilled out at the apartment complex's pool.  It was very refreshing.
This evening, I went to see my friend Laurie.  She's an amazing woman.  I mean really amazing.  I got there a little later than I'd planned.  We watched a movie...or at least part of it *grins* and she fixed me supper.  I'm thinking that guacamole between just the two of us acts as an aphrodisiac...
The movie was good, the company was superb, the supper was delicious.  I had such a good time--like I haven't had in so long.  But then, I fell asleep and stayed a little later than I thought I was going to.  The new room mate called, and made me feel like crap.  I was supposed to meet her at a little after midnight, so she could let me in the apartment (she hasn't had time to get a key made--and while we were doing errands forgot).  She was worried that I may have had an accident and run off the road.  When she found out that I was still at Laurie's, she got pissed and told me I would just have to sleep there, or find somewhere else, because she was having a boyfriend over.
Well, she called later and apologized.  She told me to please be back as soon as I could.  She apologized again when I got in...  I'm going to have a talk with her, get a key and that should be the end of it.  If not, I'm looking for somewhere else to live.
Well, I'm going to get the kids later this morning and take them to church.  I hope it sticks with us.  Good night world.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Hotel Room sans Sex Debris

The same little gal who checked me in last week checked me in tonight.
While I was unloading my luggage, she came up and inspected the room.
Still, I was surprised when I walked in to find it was a suite with
king sized bed, mini-fridge, and a microwave! And she comped it to me
at the regular room rate.

Cancel The Island, Substitute The Predators

Well, last night was better than I expected. My STB roomie's friend
called and asked if we would, instead of going to the movie, go to
Stevie Ray's Blues Bar because her favorite singer was there. Well,
we didn't get there quick enough to see him, but afterwards was The
Predators, and they were VERY good! We stayed and shut the place

Today I went to see Wedding Crashers with my friend Tanya. T had the
gastric bypass over a year ago. She looks great, feels great, and
she's always been there for me through my surgery and
recovery...always ready with helpful information, sound advice based
on experience, and kind encouragement. She's pretty awesome.


I spent the night in Louisville with my friend who i'm going to be
moving in to roommate with in a couple weeks. I got into town and
tried to contact the friend who i'm currently staying with. She
didn't answer and she wasn't aware that I was coming back for the
weekend. I called my soon-to-be-roommate in Louisville and she said I
could sleep there.

Right now I just took the kids to Taco Bell for lunch, now we're at
The Fun House. Its a Chuck E. Cheese knock off, but the kids seem to
like it. I'm sitting in a booth that is only slightly too small for
me, doling out game tokens to the kids and catching up on my blog. I
got a call from my soon-to-be-roommate and she wants to see The
Island, and she has $2 discount coupons!


I was right...she is fantastic! We had a pretty good PG-13 time. She
is an amazing kisser. She really gives awesome instant and text
message too!


I'm beat at work today. I was awake most of the night with allergies.
My nose was so clogged up that I couldn't breathe! I think I have
just about slept for another six hours!


I'm about halfway back. I had to stop at a rest stop and freshen up.
There's this friend who I know only online. Since i'd be driving by
the exit where she lives, I decided to call her for the first time,
and we talked for a little bit.
She told me I could stop in for a visit. She seems fantastic! I've
been wanting to meet her...